wave-induced impact and inundation of tsunami waves in Newtonian and
non-Newtonian fluids: An experimental study
Analysis of Submarine Cable Behavior for Shallow Sea Burying: Phase II |
(Milestone: A numerical study on offshore current and wave)
Tsunami Model: Revolution in a Lattice Boltzmann Method for Shallow Water
Ocean Waves
Oscillating Water Column and its potential on energy supply for Malaysian
Island community
Effect of Marine
Growth and Sacrificial Anodes on the Wave Forces Acting on Jacket Platform
Hydraulic and Hydrodynamic characteristics of a rapidly installed floating breakwater syetem for wave protection of onshore and offshore facilities
Design of an
innovative rapidly installed floating wave attenuator
Novel floating breakwater for wave protection of onshore and offshore facilities
Hydraulic characteristics
of a large-scale floating breakwater for wave protection
Hydrodynamics Characteristics of a Semi-circular Breakwater System for Wave Protection of Mangrove Rehabilitation Sites: An Experimental Study
Enhancement of learning experience in Design of Coastal Structures through a systematic problem based learning approach
A Socio-Engineering Study on Littoral Morphodynamics Along Teluk Nipah Beach, Pangkor Island
Mangrove restoration project in Tanjung Kepah, Lekir, Perak
Fundamental assessment on the impact of climate change to the wind and wave energy resources in Malaysian seas
Installation and Performance Validation of the H-Type Floating Breakwater at Pantai Teluk Nipah, Pulau Pangkor