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Senior Lecturer
Ts. Dr Hamzah bin Sakidin
Fundamental & Applied Science

2008, PhD in Applied Mathematics by Universiti Putra Malaysia

2001, Master in Applied Mathematics by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

1993, Degree in Physical Chemistry by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

1994, Diploma in Chemistry by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

  1. ​Applied Mathematics

    Mathematical modelling


The Oil and Gas Exploration Based on Vegetation Information Method Using Multispectral Remote Sensing Data 

Improving of Teaching and Learning for Foundation’s Mathematics Subjects 

 UTP Solar Parking 

Novel Intelligent Biomimetic Simultaneous Monitoring And Mapping (SMAMS) Using Autonomous Mobile Robot 

​Game Changing Well Technology Using Electromagnetics 

Enhanced Garch Model Using Fuzzy Sliding Window for Time Series Forecasting

Enhanced Garch Model Using Fuzzy Sliding Window for Time Series Forecasting

A Prediction Model for Corrosion Damage Factor Due to Thinning on Oil and Gas Pipeline Using Artificial Neural Network

Mathematics Model for Air Pollution Spread caused Peatland Fire in Riau Province and Kuala Lumpur

Development of a Process Optimization Model for Alpha Matrix

Surface of Reconstruction of Rainfall Distribution Using Scattered Data

Entropy Generation of Mono and Hybrid Nanofluids Flow for the Application of Thermal Energy Storage System

Viscous and thermal transport effects of novel oil based nanofluid on natural convection in different porous cavities for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

Effect of Simpler Mapping Function models to Global Positioning System Tropospheric Delay

Mathematical modeling of Flood Prediction using multispectral remote sensing Data

No.Title of Publication
3Dynamics of Nanoparticles Propagation In Porous Media Petroleum and Coal
4Noran Nur Wahida Khalili, Mahmod Othman, Mohd Nazari Abu Bakar , Hamzah Sakidin, Mohd Lazim Abdullah Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Performance of PV/T Air Solar Collector, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366 (2019).
5Ummi Kalsom Mohamad Hashim, Asmala Ahmad, Hamzah Sakidin, Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Abd Rahman Mat Amin. Monitoring Land Cover Changes in the Tropics Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, 2019)
6Asmala Ahmad, Mohd Mawardy Abdullah, Suliadi Firdaus Sfahani, Shaun. Quegen. Hamzah Sakidin. Haze Effects on Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and their Corrections International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10, 2019
7Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar, Ion Pop. Unsteady flow and heat transfer past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet in a nanofluid: A revised model with stability and regression analyses. Journal of Molecular Liquids (JML), 261 (2018) pp 550 – 564
8Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar, Ion Pop. Analysis of heat transfer in nanofluid past a convectively heated permeable stretching / shrinking sheet with regression and stability analyses. Resul in Physics, 10 (2018) pp 395 – 40
9Asmala Ahmad, Ummi Kalsom Mohd Hashim, Othman Mohd, Mohd Mawardy Abdullah, Hamzah Sakidin, Abd Wahid Rasib Suliadi, Firdaus Sufahani. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,(IJACSA) Comparative Analysis of Support Vector Machine, Maximum Likelihood and Neural Network Classification on Multispectral Remote Sensing Data, Vol. 9, No. 9, 2018
10Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar, Ion Pop. Stability Analysis of 3D flow over a deforming surface with suction effect: A Buongiorno’s model. ICFAS 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1123 (2018)
11Amiratul Liyana Mohamad Hanapi, Mahmod Othman, Rajalingam Sokkalingam, Hamzah Sakidin Developed A Hybrid Sliding Window and GARCH Model for Forecasting of Crude Palm Oil Prices in Malaysia. ICFAS 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1123 (2018)
12Nurul Iman Saiful Bahari, Asmala Ahmad, Burhanuddin Aboobaider, Muhammad Fahmi Razali, Hamzah Sakidin, Mohd Sa'ari Mohamad Isa, Gede Pramudya Ananta, Yazid Abu Sari, Nasruddin Abu Sari. Remote Sensing Data Restoration to Compensate for Haze Effect. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol 96, No. 1, Jan 2018. Pp 118 – 126. Applied Information Technology, Vol 96, No. 1, Jan 2018. Pp 118 – 126.
13Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar, Ion Pop. Boundary layer flow of nanofluid over a moving surface in a flowing fluid using revised model with stability analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IJMS), 131 – 132 (2017)
14Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar, Ion Pop. Flow and heat transfer past a permeable nonlinearly stretching / shrinking sheet in a nanofluid: A revised model with stability analysis. Journal of Molecular Liquids (JML), 233 (2017) pp 211 – 221
15Nurul Iman Saiful Bahari, Asmala Ahmad, Burhanuddin Mohd Aboobaider, Muhammad Fahmi Razali, Hamzah Sakidin and Mohd Saari Mohamad Isa. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Restoration of Hazy Data Based on Spectral and Statistical Method,, ISSN 1819- 6608 Vol. 11, No. 11, June 2016
16Ummi Kalsom Mohd Hashim, Asmala Ahmad, Burhanuddin Mohd Aboobaider, Hamzah Sakidin, Subatira B and Mohd Saari Mohamad Isa. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Change Detection from LANSAT-5 TM Satellite Data., ISSN 1819-6608 Vol. 11, No. 17, September 2016.
17Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin, Roslinda Nazar. Simultaneous Effects of Soret and Dufour on the Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow of Micropolar Fluid Towards a Permeable Stretching Sheet Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences Springer Science+Business Media Singapore, 45 – 59, 2016
18Shah Jahan, Hamzah Sakidin Influence of Heat Transfer On The MHD Stagnant Point Flow of a Power Law Fluid with Convective Boundary Condition, Jurnal Teknologi 2015. UTM Press. 72:1 (2015), 1- 6, eISSN 2180 - 3722, August 11-12, 2015
19Muhammad Fahmi Razali, Asmala Ahmad, Othman Mohd, Nurul Iman Saiful Bahari, Hamzah Sakidin Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences Quantifying Haze from Satellite Using Haze Optimized Transformation (HOT), HIKARI Ltd,, Vol. 9, 2015, no. 29, 1407 - 1416, February 24, 2015.
Working Experience
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Company Name
1Senior Lecturer2013 - nowUniversiti Teknologi PETRONAS
2Lecturer1997 - 2003Akademi Laut Malaysia ( ALAM )
3Teacher1994 - 1997Government Secondary School
4Senior Lecturer2003 - 2013Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Professional Bodies / Association
1Member2011 - PERSAMA
2Member2009 - Institut Statistik Malaysia (ISM)
3Professional Technologist ( Ts )2018 - nowMBOT
4EXCO Member2019 - 2021PERSAMA
5Assessor, Technical and Tecnologist Accreditation Council (TTAC) Panel, MBOT2022 - 2024MBOT
No.Level of involvementResearch Title

The Oil and Gas Exploration Based on Vegetation Information Method Using Multispectral Remote Sensing Data 


Improving of Teaching and Learning for Foundation’s Mathematics Subjects 


 UTP Solar Parking 


Novel Intelligent Biomimetic Simultaneous Monitoring And Mapping (SMAMS) Using Autonomous Mobile Robot 


​Game Changing Well Technology Using Electromagnetics 

Enhanced Garch Model Using Fuzzy Sliding Window for Time Series Forecasting
Enhanced Garch Model Using Fuzzy Sliding Window for Time Series Forecasting
A Prediction Model for Corrosion Damage Factor Due to Thinning on Oil and Gas Pipeline Using Artificial Neural Network
Mathematics Model for Air Pollution Spread caused Peatland Fire in Riau Province and Kuala Lumpur
Development of a Process Optimization Model for Alpha Matrix
Surface of Reconstruction of Rainfall Distribution Using Scattered Data
Entropy Generation of Mono and Hybrid Nanofluids Flow for the Application of Thermal Energy Storage System
Viscous and thermal transport effects of novel oil based nanofluid on natural convection in different porous cavities for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
Effect of Simpler Mapping Function models to Global Positioning System Tropospheric Delay
Mathematical modeling of Flood Prediction using multispectral remote sensing Data
No.Recognition TitleFrom - To (Year)Organizer / Bodies
Best paper Award

2012 - 2012Malaysian Technical University Network Conference
​Best paper Awards​
2011 - 2011Malaysian Technical University Network Conference

​Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (PJK)​

2009 - 2009Melaka State Government

​Bronze Medal

2009 - 2009MTE

Best oral presenter Awards​
2010 - 2010UPSI

​Silver Medal in TLIF

2016 - 2016UTP