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Associate Professor
Assoc Prof Dr Amjad Shamim
Management and Humanities

2016, PhD in Marketing by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

2010, Master in Science (MS) in Marketing by International Islamic University

2006, Master in Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing by FUUAST Islamabad

2003, Degree in BSc by University of Peshawar

  1. Value Co-Creation, Transformative Service Research, Service Dominant-Logic, Service Design Thinking; Service Marketing, Neuromarketing, Brand Experience, Business Statistics, Structural Equation Modeling

Principal Investigator (PI) - Co-Creation Eco-System for Sustainable Tourism: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia [Funding: International Grant / International Collaborative Research Fund (ICRF) University Mercu Buana Indonesia Grant No. 015ME0-047; Amount: Indo. Rp. 70 Million; Status: Completed (16th Sept. 2018 – 12th March 2020)]

Principal Investigator (PI) - Envisioning Future Petrol Station: Customers Value-In-Experience Model For Petronas Dagangan Berhad Non-Fuel Retailing [Funding: PETRONAS - YUTP – PRF; Grant No. 015LC0-202; Amount: RM 80,000; Status: 17th February 2020 – ongoing]

Principal Investigator (PI) - Customers Engagement in Value Co-Creation in Petrochemical Industry of Malaysia [Funding: Short Term Internal Research Fund (STIRF), UTP; Grant No. 0153AA-F85; Amount: RM 20,000; Status: Completed (4th April 2017 – 3rd Sept. 2018)]

Principal Investigator (PI) - Investigating the Customer Engagement Valence through Neuromarketing Approach and Proposing its Model for Malaysian Online Businesses [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Grant No. 015MA0-063; Amount: RM 87,600; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]

Principal Investigator (PI) - Gauging the Frontliners' Understanding and Practice of Value Co-Creation at PETRONAS Marketing & Trading Skills Group (MTSG) [Funding: PETRONAS - YUTP – PR; Grant No. 015LC0-213; Amount: RM 70,000;- Status: 17th February 2020 – ongoing]

Principal Investigator (PI) - Marketing Impact Research of Coconut Charcoal by ENACTUS CEDI In Northern Malaysia [Funding: University Research Internal Fund (URIF), UTP; Grant No. 0153AA-G35; Amount: RM 40,000; Status: Completed (1st December 2017 – 4th June 2019)]

Member - Determining the Precursors of Cyberbullying among the Students of Malaysian Institutes of Higher Learning [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 50,000; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]

Member - Optimizing and Increasing the Efficiency of the Dominant Ethno-religious Group in Malaysia via Entrepreneur Socialization-Success-Sustainability Index (E3S Index) in Braving the 4th Industrial Revolution [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 87,950; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]

Member - The Development of Customer Value Co-Creation Behavior Model in Malaysian Retail Industry [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 91,000; Status: Completed (2014 – 2016)]

Member - The role of experiential value in developing customer value co-creation behavior in Retail Sector of Perak, Malaysia [Funding: STIRF Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia; Amount: RM 25,000; Status: Completed (2014 – 2015)]

No.Title of Publication
1Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z. and Albinsson P.A. (2016), “Construction and Validation of Customer Value Co-Creation Attitude Scale”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 7, pp. 591-602. (ABS, ABDC, ESCI, & Scopus Indexed- Q1)
2Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z. and Albinsson P.A. (2016), “An Integrated Model of Corporate Brand Experience and Customer Value Co-Creation Behaviour”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp.139 - 158. (Impact Factor 2.328, SSCI - Q2, ABS, ABDC)
3Ghazali, Z., and Shamim, A. (2015), “Managing plant turnaround maintenance in Malaysian process-based industries: A study on centralization, formalization and plant technology,” International Journal of Applied Management Science, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 59 - 80. (Scopus Indexed)
4Yousaf, U., Shamim, A., Siddiqui, H., & Raina, M. (2015), “Studying the influence of entrepreneurial attributes, subjective norms and perceived desirability on entrepreneurial intentions”, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 23-34. (Scopus Indexed)
5Shamim, A. and Butt, M.M. (2013), "A critical model of brand experience consequences", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 102-117. (Impact Factor 2.2014 (SSCI); ABDC & Scopus Indexed)
6Altaf, M., Yousuf, U. and Shamim, A. (2013), “Customer Relationship Satisfaction and Relationship Improvement: Key Determinants of Customer Loyalty”, International Journal of Marketing Principles and Practices, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 6-12.
7Shabbir, M.S. and Shamim, A., Kaleem, A., and Shahbaz, M. (2011), “Creativity: A Driving Force behind Yield Management”, International Journal of Economics & Business Research, Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 459-467.
8Shamim, A. (2010), “E-commerce from an Islamic perspective”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 1, Issue 2 – Article Review
9Khan, I., Fatma, M., Shamim, A., Joshi, Y. and Rahman, Z. (2019), Gender, loyalty card membership, age, and critical incident recovery: Do they moderate experience-loyalty relationship?, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102408 (Impact Factor 4.467; SSCI Q1, ABS - 3, ABDC - A)
10Khan, Z, Shabbir, J., Gupta, S. and Shamim, A (2020), “An Optimal Systematic Sampling Scheme”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Management, (Impact Factor 0.7674; SCI Q3)
11Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Shamim, A. and M McShane (2020), “The efficacy of sustainability reporting towards cost of debt and equity reduction”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12 (Impact Factor 2.914; SCI Q2)
12Bhattacharyya, E. and Shamim, A. (2020), Stepping into the Future: Right Company, Right Decision, YCA-CSS CASE-BOOK, Vol. 01, Asian Institute of Thailand (AIT) Press.
13Shamim, A. (2020), Revamping Business through Co-Creation Strategies: A Case Study of A2Z Resources Sdn. Bhd., YCA-CSS CASE-BOOK, Vol. 01, Asian Institute of Thailand (AIT) Press.
14Ghazali, Z., and Shamim, A. (2016). Managing Plant Turnaround Maintenance Organizational Structure, Processes and Behavior - A Malaysian Perspective: UTP Press Malaysia - BOOK
15Chhabra, M., Hassan, R. and Shamim, A. (Forthcoming). Entrepreneurship and Big Data: The Digital Revolution, Taylor & Francis / CRC Press - BOOK
16Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z., Khan, Z. and Nawaz, M. (2018), “Analyzing the effects of experiential value dimensions on customer citizenship behavior in hypermarket retailing”, The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, pp. 712 - 719. (CPCI/ISI Indexed)
17Raymond, N., Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z. (2018), “The DART Perspective on Value Co-Creation between Frontline Employees and Internal Service Providers”, SHS Web of Conferences, Vol. 56, 01005. (CPCI/ISI Indexed)
18Shad, M. K., Lai, F. W., Shamim, A., & Khan, A. A. (2018). Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices in the Malaysian Oil and Gas Companies. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities, 1(1), 1-10.
19Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z., Khan, Z., & Jamak, A. B. S. A. (2017), “Gender and Ethnic Group Differences in Customer Citizenship Behavior”, Global Business and Management Research, Vol. 9 No. 1s, pp. 546. (ERA Indexed)
20Shamim, A. and Ghazali, Z. (2015), “Customer Participation in Value Co-Creation: Can it Develop Corporate Brand Experience?” Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 19-27. (ESCI/ ISI & Scopus Indexed)
21Shamim, A. and Ghazali, Z. (2016), “Influence of Extrinsic Value On Customer Participation in Value Co-Creation Behavior: An Empirical Evidence Using SEM Approach”, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol. 24, p15-26. 12p. (ESCI/ISI & Scopus Indexed)
22Shamim, A. and Ghazali, Z. (2015), “The Role of Self-Construals in Developing Customer Value Co-Creation Behavior”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 19-27. (ERA Indexed)
23Shamim, A., & Ghazali, Z. (2014). “A conceptual model for developing customer value co-creation behaviour in Retailing”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 185-196. (ERA Indexed)
24Ghazali, Z. and Shamim, A. (2014), “Managing People in Plant Turnaround Maintenance: The Case of Three Malaysian Petrochemical Plants”, PLATFORM - A Journal of Engineering, Science and Society, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 42-57.
25Ghazali, Z., Halib, M., and Shamim, A. (2014), “The Forgotten Dimension: Work Culture in Plant Turnaround Maintenance of a Malaysian Petrochemical Company”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 197-204. (ERA Indexed)
26Qureshi, I. M., Batool, I. and Shamim, A. (2012), “Consumer perception in response to E-Marketing stimuli: The impact of brand salience”, Actual Problems of Economics, Vol. 2 No 4, pp. 137-143. (SSCI/ISI Indexed)
27Ahn, J., Shamim, A. and Par, J.K. (2020), “Impacts of cruise corporate social responsibility reputation on customers’ loyalty: Mediating role of trust and identification”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, (ABDC A*; ABS - 3; Impact Factor 6.701; SSCI Q1; Scopus Cite Score 8.0)
28Khan, I, Fatma, M., Shamim, A, Joshi, Y, and Rahman Z (2020), “Gender, loyalty card membership, age, and critical incident recovery: Do they moderate experience-loyalty relationship? International Journal of Hospitality Management, (ABDC A*; ABS 3; Impact Factor 6.701; SSCI Q1, Scopus Cite Score 8.0)
29Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Shamim, A. and M McShane (2020), “The efficacy of sustainability reporting towards cost of debt and equity reduction”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12 (Impact Factor 2.914; SCI Q2)
30Bhattacharyya, E. and Shamim, A. (2020), Stepping into the Future: Right Company, Right Decision, YCA-CSS CASE-BOOK, Vol. 01, Asian Institute of Thailand (AIT) Press.
31Shamim, A. (2020), Revamping Business through Co-Creation Strategies: A Case Study of A2Z Resources Sdn. Bhd., YCA-CSS CASE-BOOK, Vol. 01, Asian Institute of Thailand (AIT) Press.
32Abbasi, A. Z., Shamim, A., Ting, D. H., Hlavacs, H., & Rehman, U. (2020). Playful-consumption experiences and subjective well-being: Children’s smartphone usage. Entertainment Computing, 100390 (Impact Factor 1.341; SCI Q2).
33Khan, Z, Shabbir, J., Gupta, S. and Shamim, A (2020), “An Optimal Systematic Sampling Scheme”, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Management, (ABDC C; Impact Factor 0.7674; SCI Q3)
34Awan, M., Shamim, A. and Ahn, J. (2020), “Implementing ‘Cleanliness is Half of Faith’ in Re-Designing Tourists’ Experiences and Salvaging the Hotel Industry in Malaysia During COVID-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, (ABDC B; ESCI; Scopus Cite Score 2.6)
35Co-creative service design for online businesses in post-COVID-19, Journal of Islamic Marketing, (ABDC B; ESCI; Scopus Cite Score 2.6)
36Employee Motivation to Co-Create Value (EMCCV): Construction and Validation of Scale, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (ABDC A; ABS 2; Impact Factor 4.219; SSCI Q2; Scopus Cite Score 7.4)
37Impacts of cruise corporate social responsibility reputation on customers’ loyalty: Mediating role of trust and identification, International Journal of Hospitality Management, (ABDC A*; ABS - 3; Impact Factor 6.701; SSCI Q1; Scopus Cite Score 8.0)
38Gender, loyalty card membership, age, and critical incident recovery: Do they moderate experience-loyalty relationship?, International Journal of Hospitality Management, (ABDC A*; ABS 3; Impact Factor 6.701; SSCI Q1, Scopus Cite Score 8.0)
39Implementing ‘Cleanliness is Half of Faith’ in Re-Designing Tourists’ Experiences and Salvaging the Hotel Industry in Malaysia During COVID-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, (ABDC B; ESCI; Scopus Cite Score 2.6)
40Co-Creative Service Design for online businesses in post COVID-19, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vo. 7 No. 1, pp. 71286 - 71298 (ESCI; Scopus Citescore 3.7, Q2)
41Cyberbullying Behaviour: A study of Undergraduate University Students, IEEE Access, Vo. 7 No. 1, pp. 71286 - 71298 (Impact Factor 3.745; SCI Q1)
42Videogames-as-a-service: How does in-game value co-creation enhance premium gaming co-creation experience for players?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 70, 103128. (SSCI/JCR IF 10.9 Q1;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
43Make every interaction count-assessing the role of customers’ self-construal on value co-creation at service encounters. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, pp.1-24. (ESCI; SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ABS-1, HEC-X)
44Service inclusion for tourists with disabilities: scale development and validation. Journal of Services Marketing, (ahead-of-print). (SSCI/JCR IF 5.2 Q2 ;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
45Value creation or value destruction: Conceptualizing the experiential nature of value‐in‐use. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(3), pp.583-601. (SSCI/JCR IF 3.1 Q3 ;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
46Engaging employees in value cocreation: interplay among firm, employee, and supervisor. The Service Industries Journal, 1-28. (SSCI/JCR IF 9.4 Q1 ;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-B, ABS-2, HEC-W)
47" Say a Little but Say it Well": Assessing the Impact of Social Media Communication on Value Co-Creation, Online Customer Experience, and Customer Well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 3333. (SSCI/JCR IF 4.2 Q1 ;SCOPUS Q1, ABS-1, HEC-W) doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.901229
48Integrating the trust commitment theory to gauge customers loyalty in riding services, Journal of Promotion Management, forthcoming (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, HEC-X)
49Exploring tourism-generated social media communication, brand equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: A PLS-SEM-based multi-sequential approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, p.13567667221118651. (SSCI/JCR IF 4.0 Q3 ;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-1, HEC-W)
50The relationship between enterprise risk management and cost of capital. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 27(1). (ESCI-Indexed)
51Anwar, R., Rehman, M., Wang, KS., Hashmani, MA, and Shamim, A. (2019), “Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Global Software Development Organizations Using Social Cognitive Theory” IEEE Access (Impact Factor 4.098; SCI Q1)
52“Investigation of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Global Software Development Organizations Using Social Cognitive Theory” IEEE Access (Impact Factor 4.098; SCI Q1)
53Kwon, J., Shamin, A., Ahn, J. (2023). Impact of different types of corporate social responsibility on fit, attitude, and behavior, Journal of Global Responsibility (ESCI; SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ABS-2, HEC-W)
54Hussain, A., Abid, M. F., Shamim, A., Ting, D. H., & Toha, M. A. (2023). Videogames-as-a-service: How does in-game value co-creation enhance premium gaming co-creation experience for players?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 70, 103128. (SSCI/JCR IF 10.4 Q1;SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
55Saoula, O., Abid, M.F., Ahmad, M.J., Shamim, A., Patwary, A.K. and Yusr, M.M. (2023), "Forging customer satisfaction through commitment-trust factors in financial insurance services: moderating role of corporate image", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ESCI, HEC-X)
56Khan, M.L., Salleh, R., Shamim, A. and Hemdi, M.A. (2023), "Role-play of employees' protean career and career success in affective organizational commitment", Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ESCI, HEC-X)
57Hussain, K., Fayyaz, M.S., Shamim, A., Abbasi, A.Z., Malik, S.J. and Abid, M.F. (2023), "Attitude, repurchase intention and brand loyalty toward halal cosmetics", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SCOPUSQ2, ABDC-B, ESCI, HEC-X)
58Abbasi, A.Z., Asif, M., Shamim, A., Ting, D.H. and Rather, R.A. (2023), "Engagement and consumption behavior of eSports gamers", Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ESCI, HEC-X)
59Abid, MF, Siddique,J., A Gulzar, Shamim, A., Dar, IB, Zafar A. (2022), Integrating the trust commitment theory to gauge customers loyalty in riding services, Journal of Promotion Management, forthcoming (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, HEC-X)
60Saoula, O., Shamim, A., Ahmad, M.J. and Abid, M.F. (2023), "Do entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial motivation, and family support enhance entrepreneurial intention? The mediating role of entrepreneurial education", Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 20-45. (JCR Q3, IF: 3.1, HEC-Y)
61Siddique, J., Shamim, A., Nawaz, M. and Abid, M.F. (2023), "The hope and hype of neuromarketing: a bibliometric analysis", Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 1-21.
62Shamim, A., Ahn, J., Khan, I., Shah, M. and Abid, M.F., (2022). Make every interaction count-assessing the role of customers’ self-construal on value co-creation at service encounters. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, pp.1-24. (ESCI; SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, ABS-1, HEC-X)
63Awan, M.I., Shamim, A., Saleem, M.S. and Gill, S.S., (2022). Service inclusion for tourists with disabilities: scale development and validation. Journal of Services Marketing, (ahead-of-print). (SSCI/JCR IF 5.2, Q2, SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
64Abid, M.F., Shamim, A., Khan, Z. and Khan, I., (2022). Value creation or value destruction: Conceptualizing the experiential nature of value‐in‐use. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(3), pp.583-601. (SSCI/JCR IF 4.3 Q3; SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, HEC-W)
65Amin, M., Chan, K. W., Shamim, A., Ghazali, Z. B., & Lai, F. W. (2022). Engaging employees in value cocreation: interplay among firm, employee, and supervisor. The Service Industries Journal, 1-28. (SSCI/JCR IF 9.4 Q1; SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-B, ABS-2, HEC-W)
66Awan, M. I., Shamim, A., & Saleem, M. S. (2022), " Say a Little but Say it Well": Assessing the Impact of Social Media Communication on Value Co-Creation, Online Customer Experience, and Customer Well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 3333. (SSCI/JCR IF, 3.8 Q1, SCOPUS Q1, ABS-1, HEC-W) doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.901229
67Ahn, J. and Shamim, A. (2022), "The role of consciousness in sustainable food consumption: a cultural comparison", Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (ESCI, SCOPUS Q1, ABS-1, ABDC-C, HEC-W)
68Noor, U., Mansoor, M. and Shamim, A. (2022), "Customers create customers!–Assessing the role of perceived personalization, online advertising engagement and online users' modes in generating positive e-WOM", Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (ESCI, SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, HEC-X)
69Abbasi, A.Z., Rather, R.A., Hooi Ting, D., Shamim, A., Saima, N., Khalil, H. and Muddasar, G.K., (2022). Exploring tourism-generated social media communication, brand equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: A PLS-SEM-based multi-sequential approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, p.13567667221118651. (SSCI/JCR IF 5.1, Q2; SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-1, HEC-W)
70Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Shamim, A., McShane, M. and Zahid, S.M., (2022). The relationship between enterprise risk management and cost of capital. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 27(1). (ESCI-Indexed)
71Ahn, J., Shamim, A. and Par, J.K. (2021), “Impacts of cruise corporate social responsibility reputation on customers’ loyalty: Mediating role of trust and identification”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, (SSCI/JCR IF 11.7 Q1, SCOPUS Q1, ABDC-A*; ABS-3; HEC-W)
72Shamim, A. Siddique, J., Amir, U., Hassan, R. (2021), “Co-Creative Service Design for online businesses in post COVID-19”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vo. 7 No. 1, pp. 71286 - 71298 (ESCI; SCOPUS Q2, ABDC-B, HEC-W)
73Shaik, F., Rehman, M., Amin, Aamir, Shamim, A. and Hashmani, MA (2021), “Cyberbullying Behaviour: A study of Undergraduate University Students” IEEE Access, Vo. 7 No. 1, pp. 71286 - 71298 (Impact Factor 3.9; SCI Q2, HEC-W)
74Shad, M.K., Lai, F.W., Shamim, A. and M McShane (2021), “The relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Cost of Capital”, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 1-12 (ESCI)
75Siddique, J., Shamim, A., Nawaz, M., Faye, I., & Rehman, M. (2021). Co-creation or co-destruction: A perspective of online customer engagement valence. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3982 (SSCI/JCR IF 4.2 Q1, SCOPUS Q1, ABS-1, HEC-W).
Working Experience
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Company Name
1Senior Lecturer2019 - PresentUniversiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
2Lecturer2017 - 2019Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
3Lecturer2012 - 2013Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan
4Lecturer2011 - 2012Virtual University of Pakistan
5Sales Executives - Projects2007 - 2011Jaffer Brothers (Pvt) Limited, Islamabad Pakistan
6Front Office Officer2006 - 2007Islamabad Serena Hotel, Pakistan
7Programme Manager, MBA in Energy Management January 2021 - PresentUniversiti Teknologi PETRAONAS
8Working Committee Member, Blended and Immersive T&L For Academic Division Sustainability Project (2021-2025)April 2021 - PresentUniversiti Teknologi PETRAONAS
9Change Agent for Scholarship on Teaching & Learning, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETaL)January 2019 - PresentUniversiti Teknologi PETRAONAS
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Professional Bodies / Association
1Member2018 - Present Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM)
2Member2018 - Present International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
3Member Executive Board2018 - PresentThe Association of International Certified Public Accountants of Pakistan / CPAPRO®
4Co-Chair (Conferences and Awards)2018 - PresentInternational Institute of Marketing Professionals, Canada
5Chartered Manager Fellow (CMgr FCMI)2024 - Chartered Management Institute, UK
No.Level of involvementResearch Title
Principal Investigator (PI) - Co-Creation Eco-System for Sustainable Tourism: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia [Funding: International Grant / International Collaborative Research Fund (ICRF) University Mercu Buana Indonesia Grant No. 015ME0-047; Amount: Indo. Rp. 70 Million; Status: Completed (16th Sept. 2018 – 12th March 2020)]
Principal Investigator (PI) - Envisioning Future Petrol Station: Customers Value-In-Experience Model For Petronas Dagangan Berhad Non-Fuel Retailing [Funding: PETRONAS - YUTP – PRF; Grant No. 015LC0-202; Amount: RM 80,000; Status: 17th February 2020 – ongoing]
Principal Investigator (PI) - Customers Engagement in Value Co-Creation in Petrochemical Industry of Malaysia [Funding: Short Term Internal Research Fund (STIRF), UTP; Grant No. 0153AA-F85; Amount: RM 20,000; Status: Completed (4th April 2017 – 3rd Sept. 2018)]
Principal Investigator (PI) - Investigating the Customer Engagement Valence through Neuromarketing Approach and Proposing its Model for Malaysian Online Businesses [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Grant No. 015MA0-063; Amount: RM 87,600; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]
Principal Investigator (PI) - Gauging the Frontliners' Understanding and Practice of Value Co-Creation at PETRONAS Marketing & Trading Skills Group (MTSG) [Funding: PETRONAS - YUTP – PR; Grant No. 015LC0-213; Amount: RM 70,000;- Status: 17th February 2020 – ongoing]
Principal Investigator (PI) - Marketing Impact Research of Coconut Charcoal by ENACTUS CEDI In Northern Malaysia [Funding: University Research Internal Fund (URIF), UTP; Grant No. 0153AA-G35; Amount: RM 40,000; Status: Completed (1st December 2017 – 4th June 2019)]
Member - Determining the Precursors of Cyberbullying among the Students of Malaysian Institutes of Higher Learning [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 50,000; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]
Member - Optimizing and Increasing the Efficiency of the Dominant Ethno-religious Group in Malaysia via Entrepreneur Socialization-Success-Sustainability Index (E3S Index) in Braving the 4th Industrial Revolution [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 87,950; Status: 1st August 2019 – ongoing]
Member - The Development of Customer Value Co-Creation Behavior Model in Malaysian Retail Industry [Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia; Amount: RM 91,000; Status: Completed (2014 – 2016)]
Member - The role of experiential value in developing customer value co-creation behavior in Retail Sector of Perak, Malaysia [Funding: STIRF Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia; Amount: RM 25,000; Status: Completed (2014 – 2015)]
No.Recognition TitleFrom - To (Year)Organizer / Bodies
Liam Glynn Research Scholarship Award
2019 - American Marketing Association - Service Special Interest Group (AMA - SERVSIG)
UTP Brand Advocate Award
2020 - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Soft Spoken Personality of the Year Award
2010 - Jaffer Group of Companies
Publication Award 2021
2021 - UTP