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Dr Muhammad Kashif Shad
Management and Humanities

2021, PhD in Management by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

2016, Master in Management (M.Phil in Management by Research) by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

2012, Degree in (BBA-Hons, Finance) by Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan

  1. Enterprise Risk Management;
  2. Economic Value-Added Analysis;
  3. Corporate Finance and Investment.

Examining the role of integrated reporting in enhancing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) performance: Evidence from Malaysia

No.Title of Publication
1Muhammad Kashif Shad, Fong-Woon Lai, Chuah Lai Fatt, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Awais Bokhari, (2019). “Integrating Sustainability Reporting into Enterprise Risk Management and its Relationship with Business Performance: A Conceptual Framework”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 208, p415-425.
2Muhammad Kashif Shad, Fong-Woon Lai, Shamim, Amjad, and McShane, Michael. (2020). “The Efficacy of Sustainability Reporting towards Cost of Debt and Equity Reduction”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 27, (18), p22511-22522. 12p. ISSN: 0944-1344
3Muhammad Kashif Shad, Fong-Woon Lai, Shamim, Amjad, McShane, Michael and Sheikh Muhammad Zahid, (2022). “The Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Cost of Capital”, Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol.27, (1). Accepted.
4Muhammad Kashif Shad, and Fong-Woon Lai. (2019). “Enterprise Risk Management Implementation and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Malaysian Oil and Gas Industry”. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 14 (9), p47-53
5Muhammad Kashif Shad, Fong-Woon Lai, Amjad Shamim and Arif Ali Khan (2018). “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices in the Malaysian Oil and Gas Companies”. Platform: A Journal of Management and Humanities. Vol. 1 (1), p1-10.
6Muhammad Kashif Shad, and Lai Fong Woon. (2015). “A Conceptual Framework for Enterprise Risk Management Performance Measure through Economic Value Added”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, p1-11.
7Muhammad Kashif Shad, and Lai Fong Woon. (2015). “Enterprise Risk Management and Firm Performance Validated Through Economic Value-Added Factors”. International Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 3, p148-154.
8Mujahid Ali, Afonso R.G. de Azevedo, Markssuel T. Marvila, Muhammad Imran Khan, Abdul Muhaimin Memon, Faisal Masood, Najib Muhammad Yahya Almahbashi, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Mudassir Ali Khan, Roman Fediuk, Roman Timokhin, Aleksey Borovkov, Ihtisham Ul Haq. (2021) “The influence of COVID-19 induced daily activities on health parameters-A case study in Malaysia”. Sustainability Journal. Vol. 13 (13), 7465.
9Ali Syed Emad Azhar, Fong-Woon Lai, Hassan Rohail, and Muhammad Kashif Shad, (2021) “The Long-Run Impact of Information Security Breach Announcements on Investors’ Confidence: The Context of Efficient Market Hypothesis”. Sustainability Journal. (SI), Vol. 13 (3), 1066;, pp.01-16.
10Amin Jan, Maran Marimuthu, Muhammad Pisol, bin Mohd @ Mat Isa, and Muhammad Kashif Shad. (2019). “Bankruptcy Forecasting and Economic Sustainability Profile of the Market Leading Islamic Banking Countries”. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), Vol. 10(2), p73-90.
11Amin Jan, Maran Marimuthu, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Haseeb Rehman, Muhammad Zahid, and Ali, Jan. (2019) “Bankruptcy Profile of the Islamic and Conventional Banks in Malaysia: A Post-crisis Period Analysis”, Economic Change and Restructuring. Vol. 52 (1), p67–87
12Muhammad Azeem Akbar, Muhammad Shafiq, Tahir Kamal, Tanveer Riaz, and Muhammad Kashif Shad. (2019). “An empirical Investigation of Task Allocation Process Barriers in the Context of Offshore Software Development Outsourcing: An Organization Size Based Analysis”. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems. Vol. 8 (04), p343-350.
13Muhammad Azeem Akbar, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Lai Fong Woon, & Shahid Hussain, (2019). “Towards Successful Agile Development Process in Software Outsourcing Environment: A Systematic Literature Review”. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 20 (1), pp.1-24.
14Lai, Fong Woon, and Muhammad Kashif Shad. (2017). “Economic Value-Added Analysis for Enterprise Risk Management”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, Special Issue, Vol. 9, p338-347. 10p.
15Lai, Fong Woon, Muhammad Kashif Shad, and Hasnida Abdul Wahab. (2017). “Economic Value Analysis for a Government Funded Research Program in Green Fertilizer Technology Development”, Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. Special Issue, Vol. 9, p313-327. 15p.
16Muhammad Kashif Shad, and Fong-Woon Lai. (2019). “Corporate Governance, Enterprise Risk and Sustainability Management Practices and their Impact on Firm Performance: An Integrated Framework”. Research on Sustainable Development in Malaysia. (Book Chapter). Published by UTP Press, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. Owned by Institute of Technology PETRONAS Sdn, Bhd. 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-2048-24-4.
17Lai, F. W, Shad, M. K, Shamim, A, & Ali, S.E.A, (2021). “Conceptualizing Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Risk Management Towards Green Growth in the Malaysian Oil and Gas Industry”, International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities (ICMeSH 2020), ESTCON 2020, Virtual Congress in 2021, 13-15 July 2021.
18Shah, S. Q. A, Lai, F. W, Shad, M. K, Malik, M & Sadriwala, K, (2021). “Basel III and Financial Performance: A Lens of Managerial Ownership”, 36th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference (EBES). Virtual Congress, 1-3 July 2021, Istanbul, Turkey.
19Ali, S.E.A, Lai, F. W, and Shad, M. K. (2021). “Investors' Risk Perception in the Context of Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Conceptual Framework for Malaysian and Indonesian Stock Exchange”, International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities (ICMeSH 2020), ESTCON 2020, Virtual Congress in 2021, 13-15 July 2021.
20Ali, S. E A. Lai, F.W, and Shad, M.K. (2021) “The Moderating Role of Intellectual Capital on the Long-Run nexus of Information Security Breaches and Firms Market Value: A Conceptual Framework”. In International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET-2021)” Organized by Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) on 28th & 29th January 2021 at Singapore.
21Lai, F.W, and Shad, M.K. (2020) “Developing Value Enhancing Enterprise Risk Management Framework: A Structural Equation Model Approach”. In 20th International Business Horizon-INBUSH ERA-2020 Theme: - “The Challenge of Change: Strategies for Managing Business in Technology Driven Societies, 18th to 20th February 2020, Amity University, Greater Noida India.
22Lai, F. W, Shad, M.K, Yeong Y.C, and Chin Y.W. (2018). “Revisiting Privatization and Economic Growth in Malaysia: An Empirical Examination”, Section Preemptive Global Business Management, SHS Web of Conferences Volume, 56, Article No, 05004. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Leadership and Management (ICLM 2018), August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. DOI.
23Lai, F.W, Shad, M. K, Khan, A.A. (2017), “Value Creating Determinants of Enterprise Risk Management and its Economic Value Added”, The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioral Sciences, of 8th International Economics and Business Management Conference (IEBMC), on the 28-29 November 2017, at Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Doi; Volume XLIV, Pages: 701-711
24Lai, F.W, Shad, M. K, Shahrina Md, Nordin. (2016) “Cost-Benefit Analysis for Green Fertilizer Technology Development: A Case in Malaysia”. The 27th International Business Information Management Association Conference, (IBIMA), 4-5 May 2016, Milan, Italy
25Shad, M. K., & Lai, F. W. (2015). “Developing an Enterprise Risk Management Value Enhancing Model Manifested through Economic Value-Added Analysis”, Recent Advances in Computer Science, p.234-239, (Scopus indexed). Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS '15), April 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
26Shah, Syed Quaid Ali, Fong-Woon Lai, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Zdeňka Konečná, Feybi Ariani Goni, Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, and Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. "The Inclusion of Intellectual Capital into the Green Board Committee to Enhance Firm Performance." Sustainability 13, No. 19 (2021): 10849.
27Jan, Ahmad Ali, Fong-Woon Lai, Muhammad Umar Draz, Muhammad Tahir, Syed Emad Azhar Ali, Muhammad Zahid, and Muhammad Kashif Shad. "Integrating sustainability practices into islamic corporate governance for sustainable firm performance: from the lens of agency and stakeholder theories." Quality & Quantity (2021): 1-24.
28Ajmal, Mian M., Mehmood Khan, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Haseena AlKatheeri, and Fauzia Jabeen, (2021), "Empirical examination of societal, financial and technology-related challenges amid COVID-19 in service supply chains: evidence from emerging market." The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
29Ajmal, Mian M., Mehmood Khan, Muhammad Kashif Shad, Haseena AlKatheeri, and Fauzia Jabeen. (2021), "Socio-economic and technological new normal in supply chain management: lessons from COVID-19 pandemic", The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
30Ajmal, Mian M., Mehmood Khan, Muhammad Kashif Shad. (2021), "The global economic cost of coronavirus pandemic: current and future implications", Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Working Experience
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Company Name
1Graduate Assistant2013 - 2016Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
2Graduate Assistant/Graduate Research Assistant2017 - 2021Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
3Lecturer2021 - PresentUniversiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Professional Bodies / Association
1Individual Ordinary Member2022 - PresentMalaysian Association of Risk and Insurance Management (MARIM)
2Ordinary Member2023 - 2024Qualitative Research Association Of Malaysia (QRAM)
3Member2018 - 2019American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP)
4Chartered Manager Member (CMgr MCMI) 2024 - Chartered Management Institute, UK
No.Level of involvementResearch Title
Examining the role of integrated reporting in enhancing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) performance: Evidence from Malaysia