Competency Centre for Smart Systems Integration in Process Industries (CC-SSIPI) - Industry4wd Grant
Development of DWC pilot plant control system - Internal Grant
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Investigation of Thermophysical Properties of Binary Fuel Oxygenate Mixtures to Reduce Emission from Vehicles for a Greener Environment - FRGS Grant
Modelling Rare Earth Element Leaching and Residual Separation Systems - FRGS Grant
Development of a reactive distillation column prototype to convert acrylic acid in the petrochemical wastewater to valuable butyl acrylate through esterification - PRGS Grant
Transfer of Vacuum Assisted Separation process Knowledge for The Improvement of Thermo-Mechanical Process Using Steam Explosion Unit for the Cellulose production From Oil Palm Frond (OPF) - KTP Grant
Task-specific protic ionic liquids as a chelating agent for reservoir stimulator - Internal Grant
Cheaper and More Durable Proton Exchange Membrane - Internal Grant
Control and Operability Study of Dividing Wall Column (DWC) for Separation of Fatty Alcohol/Acid in Oleochemical Industries - FRGS Grant
Experimental and modeling studies of a dividing wall column used for the separation of high purity products in biodiesel production - ERGS Grant
Improving The Efficiency and Energy Saving of Distillation Columns in Malaysian Chemicals Industries Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - ERGS Grant
Design and assessment of a F3 (fast, future, flexible) biodiesel plant for recycling of waste cooking oil - Internal Grant
Degree++ AVEVA PDMS Operator Training for Graduate Employability - GE Grant