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Associate Professor
Assoc Prof Ir Dr Mohamad Rizza bin Othman
Chemical Engineering

2005, Degree in Chem. Eng. by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

2007, Master in Chem. Eng. by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

2011, PhD in Process Eng. by Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

  1. Process Systems Engineering, Process Modelling & Simulation, Sustainable Process Design & Assessment, Process Control & Dynamic, Integral Analysis of Dividing Wall Column, ANN Fault Detection, Clinical Waste Incineration and APC Design, Biogas Purification Design

Competency Centre for Smart Systems Integration in Process Industries (CC-SSIPI) - Industry4wd Grant

Development of DWC pilot plant control system - Internal Grant

Experimental Measurement and Numerical Investigation of Thermophysical Properties of Binary Fuel Oxygenate Mixtures to Reduce Emission from Vehicles for a Greener Environment - FRGS Grant

Modelling Rare Earth Element Leaching and Residual Separation Systems - FRGS Grant

Development of a reactive distillation column prototype to convert acrylic acid in the petrochemical wastewater to valuable butyl acrylate through esterification - PRGS Grant

Transfer of Vacuum Assisted Separation process Knowledge for The Improvement of Thermo-Mechanical Process Using Steam Explosion Unit for the Cellulose production From Oil Palm Frond (OPF) - KTP Grant

Task-specific protic ionic liquids as a chelating agent for reservoir stimulator - Internal Grant

Cheaper and More Durable Proton Exchange Membrane - Internal Grant

Control and Operability Study of Dividing Wall Column (DWC) for Separation of Fatty Alcohol/Acid in Oleochemical Industries - FRGS Grant

Experimental and modeling studies of a dividing wall column used for the separation of high purity products in biodiesel production - ERGS Grant

Improving The Efficiency and Energy Saving of Distillation Columns in Malaysian Chemicals Industries Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - ERGS Grant

Design and assessment of a F3 (fast, future, flexible) biodiesel plant for recycling of waste cooking oil - Internal Grant

Degree++ AVEVA PDMS Operator Training for Graduate Employability - GE Grant

No.Title of Publication
1Sidek, N. M., & Othman, M. R. (2023, September). Process optimization of vapour recompression (VRC) column for palm kernel oil (PKO) fatty acid fractionation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2792, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
2Othman, M. R., Anpalagam, S. K., & Jafary, N. F. (2023). Modeling and Analysis of Clinical & Municipal Waste Incineration Process using Aspen Plus. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 52, pp. 101-106). Elsevier.
3Sidek, N. M., & Othman, M. R. (2022). Exergoeconomic assessment of the optimised vapour-recompression assisted column for palm-based fatty acid fractionation. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 51, pp. 433-438). Elsevier.
4Idris, R., Harun, N., & Othman, M. R. (2020). A port-stream based equation oriented modelling of complex distillation column: A dividing wall column case study. Applied Chemical Engineering, 3(2), 68-79.
5Othman, M. R., & Rangaiah, G. P. (2019). Performance analysis of dividing wall column model for fractionation of oleochemical fatty acid. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 32(2), 326-340.
6Sidek, N. M., & Othman, M. R. (2020). Techno-economic Analysis of Heat Pumping Technology for Oleochemical Fatty Acid Fractionation. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 48, pp. 1075-1080). Elsevier.
7Amran, U. I., Ahmad, A., & Othman, M. R. (2017). Kinetic based simulation of methane steam reforming and water gas shift for hydrogen production using aspen plus. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 1681-1686.
8Amran, U. I., Ahmad, A., & Othman, M. R. (2017). Life cycle assessment of simulated hydrogen production by methane steam reforming. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11(3), 43-50.
9Othman, M. R., Idris, R., Hassim, M. H., & Ibrahim, W. H. W. (2016). Prioritizing HAZOP analysis using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18, 1345-1360.
10Illner, M., & Othman, M. R. (2015). Modeling and simulation of a dividing wall column for fractionation of fatty acid in oleochemical industries. PERINTIS eJournal, 5(1).
11Othman, M. R., Amran, U. I., & Rangaiah, G. P. (2015). Process Optimization of DWC for Fatty Acid Fractionation using Taguchi Methods of Experimental Design. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 925-930.
12Othman, M. R., Hady, L., Repke, J. U., & Wozny, G. (2012). Introducing sustainability assessment and selection (SAS) into chemical engineering education. Education for Chemical Engineers, 7(3), e118-e124.
13Othman, M. R., Repke, J. U., Wozny, G., & Huang, Y. (2010). A modular approach to sustainability assessment and decision support in chemical process design. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(17), 7870-7881.
14Othman, M. R., Ali, M. W., & Kamsah, M. Z. (2007). Process fault detection using hierarchical artificial neural network diagnostic strategy. Jurnal Teknologi, 46, 11-26.
15Technical Report on Crude Algae Oil (Cao) Extraction Skid Facilities for Washing, Dewatering & Drying, Extraction of Crude Algae Oil And Purification System
16Technical Report on TNBR Project: Development of Renewable Natural Gas System Integrated with Dry Anaerobic Digester using Organic Waste: Phase 1. 2023
17Technical Report on BioMeg Production from Neutralised Crude Bio-Meg. 2022
18Conceptual Design Report of Senkou Mobile Incineration Unit for Clinical Waste Disposal. 2021
Working Experience
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Company Name
1Associate Professor2019 - 2023Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah
2Deputy Director. Strategic Planning, Control & Quality Unit, Centre of Corporate Affairs & Quality2019 - 2023Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah
3Founder and Leader. Competence Centre for Smart Integration Systems in Process Industries (CC-SISPI)2019 - 2023Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah
4Senior Lecturer2011 - 2019Universiti Malaysia Pahang
5Mitarbeiter2008 - 2011DBtA (Chair of Process Dynamics & Operation), TU Berlin. Germany
6Lecturer2005 - 2011Universiti Malaysia Pahang
7Assistant Technical Consultant2001 - 2002AMR Environmental Sdn. Bhd.
8Acting Deputy Dean (Research)2019 - 2019Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah
No.PositionFrom - To (Year)Professional Bodies / Association
1Professional Engineer (Ir.)2019 - currentBEM
2Chartered Engineer (CEng)2018 - currentEngineering Council UK
3Member2018 - currentIChemE
4Graduate Member2021 - currentMBOT
5Graduate Member2007 - currentBEM
No.Level of involvementResearch Title
Competency Centre for Smart Systems Integration in Process Industries (CC-SSIPI) - Industry4wd Grant
Development of DWC pilot plant control system - Internal Grant
Experimental Measurement and Numerical Investigation of Thermophysical Properties of Binary Fuel Oxygenate Mixtures to Reduce Emission from Vehicles for a Greener Environment - FRGS Grant
Modelling Rare Earth Element Leaching and Residual Separation Systems - FRGS Grant
Development of a reactive distillation column prototype to convert acrylic acid in the petrochemical wastewater to valuable butyl acrylate through esterification - PRGS Grant
Transfer of Vacuum Assisted Separation process Knowledge for The Improvement of Thermo-Mechanical Process Using Steam Explosion Unit for the Cellulose production From Oil Palm Frond (OPF) - KTP Grant
Task-specific protic ionic liquids as a chelating agent for reservoir stimulator - Internal Grant
Cheaper and More Durable Proton Exchange Membrane - Internal Grant
Control and Operability Study of Dividing Wall Column (DWC) for Separation of Fatty Alcohol/Acid in Oleochemical Industries - FRGS Grant
Experimental and modeling studies of a dividing wall column used for the separation of high purity products in biodiesel production - ERGS Grant
Improving The Efficiency and Energy Saving of Distillation Columns in Malaysian Chemicals Industries Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - ERGS Grant
Design and assessment of a F3 (fast, future, flexible) biodiesel plant for recycling of waste cooking oil - Internal Grant
Degree++ AVEVA PDMS Operator Training for Graduate Employability - GE Grant
No.Recognition TitleFrom - To (Year)Organizer / Bodies
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
2023 - 2023UMPSA
Anugerah Kerjasama Industri Terbaik (ke-3)
2023 - 2023UMPSA
Anugerah Kerjasama Industri Terbaik (ke-3)
2022 - 2022UMPSA
Visiting Professor
2022 - 2022Prince of Songkla University
Anugerah Pekerja Cemerlang
2020 - 2020UMPSA
Anugerah Pekerja Cemerlang
2019 - 2019UMPSA
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
2015 - 2015UMPSA
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
2007 - 2007UMPSA
Silver Medal
2023 - CITREX
Gold Medal
2021 - CITREX
Bronze Medal
2020 - Bangkok Int. Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Tech. Exposition
Bronze Medal
2019 - MTE
Gold Medal
2017 - IENA, Germany