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Entry Procedure into UTP Campus​


Ladies and Gentlemen,


In relation to CHRO's email dated 23 September 2021, any staff who wishes to enter UTP is required to do the following steps:


1.    Open the UTrace App and download your QR code. After you have downloaded the code, show it to the security personnel at the Main Gate or Gate 3 for scanning purposes.

       1.1  The security personnel will then do the temperature screening.  

1.2  The staff will be denied entry if:

  • he/she is not fully vaccinated.
  • he/she has a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius. 
  • he/she has Covid-19 symptoms.

2.    Scan MySejahtera

We wish to remind all staff to strictly adhere to the following practices when on campus:

  • Practice physical distancing of 1 meter with facemask when communicating with others.
  • Wear 3-ply face mask.
  • Wash hands with water and soap or use hand sanitiser frequently.
  • Do not share utensil with others.
  • Practice physical distancing at the surau.  Use your own prayer mat and telekung.
  • Practise good sneezing and coughing etiquette.


Should you have any queries on Covid-19, please email to


Thank you.


for Covid Response Team


1 October 2021