Sustainability needs to be pursued in an increased urgency to act in an amalgamated manner for a sustainable future. At the heart of sustainable development is to improve human well-being, however we are faced with multi-dimensional challenges of climate change, diminishing resources, environmental degradation, and the growing demand for energy.
With sustainability in mind, continuous advancements through research, innovations, technologies, and knowledge dissemination are imperative for a dignified livelihood and well-being towards becoming smart communities.
Institute of Self Sustainable Building (ISB) researchers are committed to our aspiration in finding the solutions for sustainable living specially to increase the resilience of societies through leading-edge research discoveries. At the core of ISB, we are aligned to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in addressing internationally agreed targets in poverty, climate action, clean water, sanitation, clean energy, and responsible consumption. We provide solutioning for smart green building, green and clean technologies, sustainable materials, zero waste and community well-being.
Our research, innovations and technologies development take into consideration circularity in addressing the complex and dynamic challenges in situations of insufficient resources. We strive for advancements in technologies that capitalize waste with the aim towards zero waste and zero carbon. We develop technologies that support the production of affordable clean energy, and produce clean and affordable water for all purposes, potable and industrial. We discover social innovations by working hand-in-hand with society in building resilience and empowerment to the communities.
We believe that partnership is key towards attaining common goal and a shared success. We welcome strategic alliances with stakeholders from the industry, government agencies, NGOs, the societies and academia to further strengthen the interlinkages and interdependencies in the endeavours toward sustainability.