1.0 Introduction
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) was established on January 10, 1997 when PETRONAS was invited by the Malaysian Government to set up a university.
The university was formerly known as The Institute of Technology PETRONAS (ITP) and was a wholly-owned subsidiary of PETRONAS. It was registered with the Ministry of Education on April 26, 1995 and obtained approval under the "Essential Higher Education Institute Regulation 1996". ITP began operations at PETRONAS Management Training Sdn. Bhd. (PERMATA), Kajang, Selangor on July 3, 1995. On July 26, 1995, ITP was registered as a private limited company and transferred its operations to Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, on July 1, 1996.
2.0 University Vision and Mission
2.1 Vision
A Leader in Technology Education and Centre for Creativity and Innovation.
2.2 Mission
i. UTP is an institute of higher learning. We provide opportunities for the pursuit of knowledge and expertise for the advancement of engineering, science and technology to enhance the nation's competitiveness.
ii. Our objective is to produce well-rounded graduates who are creative and innovative with the potential to become leaders of industry and the nation.
iii. Our aim is to nurture creativity and innovativeness and expand the frontiers of technology and education for the betterment of society.
3.0 University Logo

i. Relates to the concept of renaissance, birth and nurturing of the mind for national advancement of the highest order.
ii. Simulates the bloom of a floral bud while injecting a graphic outline of the PETRONAS Twin Towers.
iii. Reflects the beginning of a journey towards new standards in higher education.
iv. Gold to denote light, and deep pastel blue to signify peace and tranquillity.