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"As an institution, we have the joint responsibility to contribute towards sustainability of our communities throug​h education and research. We believe that we are capable to contribut​e in addressing the concerns related to environmental, social, and gov​ernance (ESG) by embedding the ESG principles across our relevant ​areas of operations through research and education, engagement with partners and ​community. This aligns well with our aspiration to attain sustainable global prominence and to collectively drive the PETRONAS' energy transition initiatives towards realizing the Net Zero Carbo​​n Emission (NZCE) guid​ed by four sustainability lenses, namely Continued Value Creation, Safeguard the Environment, Positive Social Impact, and Responsible Governance."

Prof. Dato'​ Ts. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib

Vice Chancellor, UTP​​​​​​​​

Four Sustainabi​​lity ​​Lenses

UTP, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of P​ETRONAS aligns to the Four Sustainability Lenses which guide the efforts to ensure a better future for generations to come​​.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Continued Value Creation

Safeguard The Environment

Positive Social Impact

Responsible Governance​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​