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U​nprecedented Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education​
The education sector has long b​​een resistant to a wide-scale adoption of technology. But COVID-19 dramatically accelerated the shift towards digitalised learning, and the pand​emic led to the world’s largest experiment with remote learning. Post-pandemic, university campuses thronged with students.
Stacy Primus Liew: A Diamond Formed Under Pressure
Stacy Primus Liew is feisty, intelligent and there’s no doubting her drive for excellence. After all, how many of us can say we have volunteered in 15 countries, solo climbed 10 different mountains in various countries, and founded several NGOs – let alone done so from a young age?
UTP Welcomes Back Its Alumni for Homecoming
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) welcomed its alumni to campus for the Alumni Homecoming 2022 festivities.



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