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Featured Student Club and Societies Engaging in S​ustainability

Go Green Movement (GGM) UTP

Go Green Movement (GGM) UTP is a registered club at UTP dedicated to promoting and implementing a green lifestyle among the student body. The club is a well-known organisation at UT​P that has been an outspoken proponent of the green movement. Each year, GGM UTP organises an event that is consistent with their unique vision and mission, with the goal of transforming UTP into a green university campus. GGM UTP will always prioritise the environment and will make every effort to achieve its vision and goals.
Click here to learn more about GGM UTP


UTPrihatin is a volunteerism-oriented club that is dedicated to promoting a culture of volunteerism within the UTP community. The club's primary objective is to empower students with the values and spirit of volunteerism while fostering a deep understanding of its essence. Volunteerism is the act of selflessly assisting others without expecting anything in return. This core principle is actively promoted through the implementation of various University Social Responsibility (USR) projects.​​​​
Click here to learn more about UTPrihatin
