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UTP, Huazong to Organise Red Sonata Fiesta International Arts Festival 2022
On 19 August 2022
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​Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) will once again collaborate to organise the Red Sonata Fiesta International Arts Festival 2022 (RSF 2022).   

This was announced at a press conference recently by UTP Senior Director Centre for Student Development, Student Affairs Associate Professor Dr Nurlidia Mansor and The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) President Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima (Dr) Tan Sri Goh Tian Chuan, JP.  

This year's RSF will be held in hybrid mode, where participants for the Chinese Orchestra Ensemble Competition, Chinese Orchestra Competition, Concert Band / Strings Orchestra Competition will be required to submit video recordings of their team’s performance. The remaining categories: Musical Instruments (Solo) Competition – Chinese Traditional, Choir and Dance Competition will be conducted physically on UTP’s campus, followed by the prize giving ceremony at UTP’s Chancellor Hall on 15 October 2022.

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With UTP's Chinese Orchestra (UTPCO) as the co-organiser, RSF 2022 provides a platform for Chinese culture and art enthusiasts to showcase their talents and skills. It aims to ignite the young generation, especially primary and secondary students' interests and passion in traditional Chinese music and art, particularly the Chinese Orchestra. 

At UTP, students are given ample opportunities to develop their leadership skills and creative talents through sports, cultural activities and performing arts.  This is in line with UTP’s mission in producing well-rounded graduates who are excellent and innovative in various academic and non-academic fields.

One example is UTPCO, which encourages talented young musicians to creatively express their passion for Chinese traditional music and explore the diverse world of culture and music through orchestral performances.  It also seeks to diversify UTP's musical community through orchestral performances and activities.  

Through events such as RSF 2022, UTP, Huazong and UTPCO seek to inspire the younger generation to share their love for music together as well as bridge cultural and musical differences. 

On this note, UTP and Huazong would like to invite students from primary, secondary and higher institutions, as well as the public, local and overseas, to participate in RSF 2022.   

For further details about the event, please visit RSF's Facebook Page at
or Instagram at​. To register, please visit

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