Yayasan UTP Report on Activities for Fund Disbursement (2012)




1. Scholarship Award 2012 (22 Sept 2012)

The recipient of 2012 YUTP scholarship awards was approved by the Board of Trustees on 11th May 2012. The recipients are eight deserving students currently pursuing their foundation studies at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. 


No Name Course State
1 Izzuddin Bin Jamaluddin Chemical Eng Perak
2 Muhamad Izzudin Bin Sukari Chemical Eng Pahang
3 Siti Norfarahhanim Bt Mohd Ghani Civil Engineering Wilayah Persekutuan
4 Leong Yuhao Electrical & Electronics Eng Pulau Pinang
5 Nor Atika Binti Musbah Mechanical Eng Melaka
6 Gomathi A/P Selvaraj Petroleum Eng Wilayah Persekutuan
7 Azmin Bin Sudirman Petroleum Eng Sabah
8 Nurul Syahidatul Balqis Binti Haidzir Petroleum Geoscience Perak



2. Student Support Fund 2012


The student support fund award is a once-off financial assistance to eligible students; given in the form of subsistence of one semester tuition fees. The award was advertised and opened to all eligible UTP students within certain period of time. Candidate is screened and ranked according to the approved guideline by Yayasan UTP Board of Trustees.


The recommended candidates are called for interview for final screening. UTP Deputy Vice Chancellor Student Affairs and Alumni, Tn Hj Mohamed Noor Rosli B Baharom approved the final list for Yayasan UTP BOT further approval.


Yayasan UTP has disbursed a total amount of RM 594,019 to 111 students under this student support fund award in January, May and September semester of 2012.


3. Toh Puan Noor Ainee Award

YBhg Toh Puan Sri Noor Ainee has agreed to provide a once off financial assistance amounting to RM15,000 to a deserving student currently pursuing studies at UTP. The Student Support Services Dept. Of UTP had conducted selection based on below criteria:


  1. Malaysian by citizenship and Islam by religion.
  2. Existing students of UTP who finished their Foundation at UTP with minimum CGPA of 3.00
  3. The students are either Self Sponsored or PTPTN sponsored student.
  4. An orphan


The above criteria/s were presented to the Secretary General and steering committee of YUTP at KLCC office. Approval had been obtained. The award was given to En Afif Izwan bin Abd Hamid in March 2012.



Research and Innovation



1. Yayasan UTP-Fundamental Research (YUTP-FRG) Grant (July 2012)

To further strengthen the cause of establishing YUTP, a YUTP Fundamental Research Grant (YUTP-FRG) was established  in June 2011 to provide funding for research activities. This YUTP-FRG was formulated to provide avenue for academic and research fraternity   to cultivate and nurture their respective knowledge, creativity and innovativeness for the benefit of mankind.


Grants under YUTP-FRG Program will support fundamental research and development activities undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge directed into oil and gas areas by exploring basic scientific or engineering principles. It is also aimed to generate new ideas, concept or theory that may lead to useful discoveries, increase efficiency or producing cutting edge innovation, particularly for oil and gas industries in Malaysia.


The amount of funding shall be not more than RM 250,000 per application. There are Seven (7) Research Themes as follows:


  1. Seismic Imaging
    • Fundamental basin analysis & petroleum geology using seismic wave propagation of higher order that will produce better images of complex subsurface and yield higher resolution, particularly distinguishing pore-fill type during various combinations of injection fluids, surfactants and CO2
  2. Offshore Structures
    • Understanding basic scientific and mathematical properties of metocean data and the responses of floaters coupled with the mooring lines and/or risers to arrive at the coupled response transfer functions
  3. Enhanced Oil Recovery
    • Behavior of multi-phase displacement at pore level under complex reservoir rock structure and HT/HP/HS environment - to understand asphaltene's precipitation, effect of ionic liquids, magnetic and dielectric nanoparticles (CoO, ZnO, Al2O3), novel surfactant, effective additives from biological sources, and cold CO2 injection.
  4. CO2 Management
    • The Phase envelope and thermodynamics  correlations of CO2 in natural gas mixture suitable for Malaysia gas reservoirs  - accurate thermodynamic properties and correlations of CO2 Hydrates, active solvents, sorbent materials, membrane materials, & chemically influenced supersonic separation as well as the establishment of particle-size dependence of copper nano-particles in methanol synthesis reaction from CO2.
  5. Ionic Liquids
    • Properties and behaviour of ionic liquid as single/multiple components and the phase equilibria between the various (biomass, sulfur/heavy metal/nitrogen) components and the ionic liquid used for crude upgrading and corrosion inhibition.
  6. Biomass
    • Fundamental studies of the physical and chemical characteristics of bio-oils and bio-gas (with impurities) including their molecular structures, reaction mechanisms and separation behaviors.
  7. Energy System
    • The thermodynamics and fluid dynamics characteristics of thermal-energy system due to the different chemical and rheological properties of different type of fuels (multi-type and multi-grade) and behaviour of thermal systems at microscopic and nano-scale levels that exceeds the thermal efficiency of a fuel cell.


The funding is available to the following:


  1. UTP Academic Staff; and
  2. Researchers from other institutions provided that they collaborate with UTP academic staff.


To date, the total of 27 projects have been approved and grants were awarded in 2012 with a total amount of RM 6,161,745.00.



Student Development Activities


1. UTP Convo Fair 2012 (19th – 21st Oct 2012)

In conjunction with the Convo Fair 2012, UTP and the Student's Representative Council had also organised a three-day festivity at its campus. This three-day festivity was officiated Y Bhg. Dato' Dr Ismail Alias, Deputy Director General of the Public Service Department.


Various activities took place during the Convo Fair which included activities like performances by the guest artistes, Ezad Exist & Amir Ukays. The programme is believed to develop the students' soft skill including leadership, entrepreneurial and communication. Yayasan UTP supported the programme by providing RM10,000.


2. Student-In-Free Enterprise (SIFE) World Cup 2012 (30th Oct – 2nd Nov 2012)

On the 30 October 2012 to 2 November 2012, ten students of SIFE UTP club were involved in SIFE World Cup which is a grand event at international level held at Walter E. Washington Convention Centre in Washington,DC, USA.


This trip is rewarded by SIFE Malaysia Foundation (SMF) to UTP SIFE team for winning the 2011 SIFE national championship .SMF had earlier approved the sponsorship of round trip for all 10 members of the SIFE UTP to Beijing. However, since the venue was later changed to USA, SMF is only able to fund 6 students . Yayasan UTP justification in sponsoring the event is as follows:


  1. Each and every one of them had played significant roles in winning the SIFE Malaysia National Championship 2011.
  2. They made Malaysia and the university proud as they were SIFE World Cup 2011 semifinalist- only to lose to the eventual champion, SIFE Germany.
  3. Their success has brought a lot of media coverage (including FORTUNE and The Brand (Laureate Magazines,) and positive publicity to UTP.


Yayasan UTP contributed financial support of RM 25,000 to UTP SIFE for attending this prestigious world event.


3. Cheonan World Dance 2012

For the second time the Malaysia team represented by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) University Performing Arts Group (UPAG) participated in the 10th Cheonan World Dance Festival with the theme 'Let's Dance in Cheonan' at Cheonan Samgeori Park, Cheonan City, Korea held on 1 October – 9 October 2012. This festival was organised by Cheonan-si Cheonan Culture Enhancement Committee and supported by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea. Twenty-seven members of UTP UPAG represented Malaysia.


The main aim of this festival is to encourage and educate the international community to appreciate international folk dance cultures. This festival was participated by professional and national dance groups from 23 countries around the world.


The Malaysia team represented by UTP UPAG was the only country winning all three categories in this dance competition. List of awards are as follows:


  1. Best Dancer Contest Awards
  2. Bronze Award for Street Parade Dance
  3. Top 5 in the Folk Dance Category


The experience and exposure gained from this event would certainly support UTP's vision and mission to produce multi-talented and competitive graduates. The team received financial support of RM30K from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) and RM20K from Yayasan UTP for this prestigious annual cultural arts festival.