Social Organization of Risk Behavior Analysis” under the project “Breaking Away from Family and Coping with Sense-of-Belonging Through Self-Regulation: A Study on Oil and Gas Offshore Facilities
Modelling of Adoption Decision of Environmentally Friendly Adoption” under the project “Development of Sustainable Agriculture Framework for Adoption of Green Fertilizer Technology by Malaysia Paddy Farmers
An Intelligent Financial Forecasting System using Kalman Backpropagation Particle Swarm Optimization".
Exploring economic feasibility and route optimization models for an integrated feeder bus system (FBS) for Electric Train Service (ETS) in Perak
Examining Environmental Wide Risk Management Value Creation Framework Towards Green Growth and Resiliency for Oil and Gas Industry
Economic Impact, Sociological and Stakeholder Communication Analyses of New Technology Fertilizer".
Knowledge Management and Enterprise Risk Management for Corporate Sustainability Development Strategy.
Enterprise Risk Management Implementation Model in Government-Linked Companies
Value Enhancing Enterprise Risk Management Framework for Corporate Malaysia
Stakeholder Communication, Socio-economic and Financial Performance: Adoption of Innovations by Paddy Farmers in Perak
A Comparative Study on Stock Investment Risk-Reward Profile in the Malaysian and Indonesian Stock Exchanges in the Context of Efficient Market Hypothesis
Exploring Risk Management Maturity Model for Sustainable Solar PV Downstream Value Chain in the Malaysian Market