2012, PhD in Mechanical Engineering by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
2004, Master in Master of Applied Mechanics by Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Technology
1999, Degree in BSc in Mechanical Engineering by Addis Ababa University, Faculty of Technology
Investigation of Performance Degradation, and the Possibility of Synergizing Prognostics and Reliability Models to Enhance and Prolong Useful Life of Gas Turbines
Investigation of a Novel Wind Speed Enhancement System for Electric Power Generation
Formulation of an Integrated approach to Performance Diagnostics And Reliability Monitoring For Gas Turbines
CFD Simulation Of The Effects of Drillpipe Rotation And Eccentricity On Cuttings Transport With Non-Newtonian Fluid Under HPRHT Deep Water Horizontal Wellbore
I-GEN - An Improved Process For Producing 3c-Silicon Carbide From High Energy Milling Rice Husk For Energy Storage Application In Photovoltaic (Pv) Industry