Enhancement of lipid
yield from activated sludge system via co-cultivation with microalgae for
biodiesel production
Development of a
reliable and effective membrane system/media to handle CEOR produced water
Formulation of
fundamental and novel mechanistic kinetic model for attached microalgae biomass
growth in fluidized bed bioreactor packed with polyurethane foam material in
enhancing bulk biomass harvest used for biofuels production
Correlation between the nutritional constituents of yeasts fermented media destined to feed black soldier fly larvae and fatty acid methyl ester profiles acquired
Fundamental augmentation of oil palm waste values via biological and physicochemical treatments
Investigation of fundamental correlations between the nutritional constituents of exo-microbes fermented media and fatty acid methyl ester profiles acquired from black soldier fly larvae
Fortifying sewage sludge via anaerobic digestion in spurring black soldier fly larval body lipid for producing biodiese
Effect of blended sewage sludges on palatability of black soldier fly larvae harvested for biodiesel production