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Department Chair's Foreword

Welcome to the Fundamental & Applied Sciences Department, UTP!

The Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (DFAS) was established on 1 April 2009, and was formerly known as the Foundation Studies Department (FSD).  UTP Management Committee, in its sitting on 2nd February 2009, agreed to the proposal of upgrading FSD to DFAS. The formation of DFAS will certainly assist UTP in accelerating its move towards becoming a research university and achieve global prominence. 

DFAS is one of the departments under the Faculty of Science and Information Technology. Currently, DFAS has an academic strength of 26 staffs with background in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
DFAS is offering the following programs: 
​DFAS is supporting the Engineering departments by offering undergraduate Mathematics courses. Lecturers from the department are also supporting the other departments as supervisors for Engineering Team Projects, Final Year Projects and Postgraduate studies.​
(Last updated: 30 March 2021)​

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Associate Professor

Dr Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam


Department Fundamental & Applied Sciences​​​