Press Releases 2019

​23 December 2019
MoU & Research Collaboration Agreement Signing Ceremony between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and Terengganu Strategic & Integrity Institute (TSIS)
​20 December 2019
MoU Signing Ceremony of UTP & INTEC Education College and UTP & Cosmopoint College
​5 December 2019
​UTP Strengthens Connection with India
​27 November 2019 ​UTP Reigns as Malaysia's Number One Private University in QS Asian Rankings
​25 & 26 November 2019 UTP Organises Inaugural Loss Prevention International Conference and Exhibition 
​18 November 2019 UTP and Altair Collaborate to Launch First-of-Its Kind Applied Scientific Computing Centre of Excellence
​17 November 2019 Yayasan PETRONAS and UTP Embark on Nationwide Back-to-School Programme  
​17 November 2019 ​​​​​​UTP Honours 1,711 Graduates at Convocation Ceremony 
​8 November 2019 ​​​​​​UTP clinches second runner-up for Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers for Education 
​2 November 2019 ​​​​​​MASISWA Networking Games 2019 
​23 October 2019 ​​​​​President's Engagement and Academia Day Celebration 
​19&20 October 2019 UTP Vice Chancellor Youth Football Tournament 2019 
​19 October 2019 ​​​​​Yayasan PETRONAS and UTP Brightens Communities During the Festival of Lights 
​16 October 2019 ​​​​​UTP's Proactive Measures Boost Graduate Marketability 
​9 October 2019 ​​​​Developing UTP Well-Rounded Global Graduates 
​5 October 2019 ​​​UTP Organises Inaugural Kledang Trail Run 
​26 September 2019 ​​UTP Top 3 in Malaysia for THE World University Rankings
​24 September 2019 IChemE SIESO Medal awarded to UTP Chemical Engineering Students 
​24 September 2019 YB Yeo Bee Yin Visits Alma Mater, UTP 
​23 September 2019 UTP Organised the Annual Peacock Bass Daiwa Masters Challenge 
​21 September 2019 UTP Volunteers Clean Up Seri Iskandar Street for World Clean-up Day 2019 
​14 September 2019 Run for Greener Future 
​27 August 2019 Nurturing ASEAN Future Leaders 
​24 August 2019 UTP Scientist to Represent Malaysia in the Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin, Germany 
​23 August 2019 Using Technology to Elevate Education 
​23 August 2019 UTP Wins Inaugural Anti-Corruption Debate 
​16 August 2019 UTP Feng Ying Xing Receives the Prestigious Merdeka Award Grant
​24 July 2019 UTP Inventors Win Multiple Awards at Innovation Exhibitions
​23 July 2019 Moving Towards Sustainability
​19 July 2019 UTP to Organise Red Sonata Fiesta 2019
​13 July 2019 UTP Rugby Teams Finish Runners-Up in National Tournament
​6 July 2019 A Colourful Showcase of Malaysian and International Culture
​3 July 2019 UTP Pays Tribute to Dedicated and Loyal Staff
​27 June 2019 UTP Maintains Its Position As Malaysia’s Top Private University
​22 June 2019 UTP Offers Scholarship to Palestinian Students
​18 June 2019 UTP Breaks Into the Top 500 of QS World University Rankings 2020
​17 June 2019 UTP Signs MoU with Canadian University of Bangladesh
​10 June 2019 UTP Signs MoU with the University Adelaide for Academic and Cultural Interchange Activities
​25 May 2019 Iftar with His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak
​10 May 2019 UTP Celebrates Iftar with More Than 200 Orphans and Underprivileged
​8 May 2019 UTP Signs MoU with Hainan University
​2 May 2019 UTP Excels at ITEX 2019 (2-4 May 2019)
​2 May 2019 UTP and Curtin University Organise the 8TH IBA-IFIBIOP (1-5 May 2019)
​2 May 2019 UTP Breaks into Top 100 Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings
​19 April 2019 UTP Researcher is Honoured with International Association of Advanced Materials Medal
​18 April 2019 Petroleum Experts Limited Donates Software Worth RM7.8 Million to UTP
​17 April 2019 UTP Collaborates with Hadhramout University Yemen
​13 April 2019 STEM Carnival to Ignite Interest in STEM
​30 March 2019 UTP Vice Chancellor Appointed as Hainan University International Advisory Board Member
​25 March 2019 UTP Co-Hosts the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Conference & Exhibition (APAIE) 2019
​21 March 2019 UTP Organises Inaugural Colloquium on Optical Topography and Its Application
​18 March 2019 UTP and Swinburne Sarawak inked MoU for collaborative endeavours
​14 March 2019 UTP to Promote STEM in Sarawak
​10 March 2019 More than 2,000 Visitors Lightened Up UTP for the XPAX Kejohanan E-Sukan Kampus 2019 in the North Zone
​4 March 2019 UTP inked MoU with TAMU and TEES
​21 February 2019 UTP Wins the Best of the Best Award in MTE 2019
​20 February 2019 UTP Scientist is the First Malaysian on the Periodic Table of Younger Chemists
​07 February 2019 UTP Partners with DID for Sustainable Conservation of Environment
​17 January 2019 UTP is Malaysian Top Private University in THE's Emerging Economies University Rankings 2019
​16 January 2019 UTP Signs MOU with Iqra University for Rigorous Academic-Research Networking