ODL stands for Open and Distance Learning, a way of studying remotely that offers flexibility for learning from anywhere, anytime, and anyhow with self-directed learning strategies.
Bachelor’s Degree from non-engineering relevant will have to take pre-requisite courses as below:
Candidates are required to complete total of 40 credit hours. The programme's curriculum structure is as follows:
Module Synopsis
Core Courses
Wave Hydrodynamics
Wave loading consists of the largest contribution to the loading of offshore structures. Therefore, a good understanding of wave hydrodynamics is essential for the design of any offshore structure. This course covers wave theories, wave mechanics, wave statistics, forces on marine structures, numerical and physical modelling.
Structural Dynamics
Offshore structures are vulnerable to dynamic loads such as wind, wave, and current. It is then essential for the engineer to understand the dynamics of structures in order to analyze and design. The contents include an equation of motion for a single degree of freedom system, free and forced vibration for the undamped and damped system. Dynamic response of multi-degree of freedom system, and the seismic and wind effects on the structure.
Offshore Foundation
Foundation is an integral part of offshore structures; therefore, selection and design of suitable foundations are the basic skill that one should possessed by an offshore engineer. The course covers designing various types of foundation systems for offshore structures such as pile and shallow foundations and anchoring system. Fundamental aspects of marine geology and geotechnics are incorporated in the course together with the planning of offshore site investigation.
Design of Fixed Offshore Structures
This course covers introduction to the various fixed offshore platforms such as Jacket, GBS & Jack-up. It emphasises on the structural design of fixed offshore platform components by referring to the national/international standards such as PTS, API, etc. Students are also expose to relevant software for the analysis and design of fixed platforms.
Risk, Reliability and Integrity of Offshore Structures
This course will discuss deterministic and probabilistic design and assessment procedures, particularly methods of probabilistic reliability analysis. Assessment on the system strength and fatigue of a platform including software applications will also be discussed. This course covers fundamental issues related to risk analysis, with emphasis on basic concepts and principles. Risk analysis, risk characterization, risk perception, risk communication, risk management. The course will also cover the basics of reliability-based design and principles, safety and reliability issues of offshore facilities during analysis & design, inspection and planning stages.
Offshore Project Management
Project Management in offshore applications is an important area in which a successful offshore project is dependent on. This course provides integration of project management and engineering knowledge in oil and gas. The course deals with all aspects of project management in offshore environments. It combines theory and practice to develop and improve the project management skills where the work scope includes oil and gas projects.
Technical Electives (Choose two)
Offshore Engineering Materials
This course covers introduction to materials in offshore applications, metallic materials, non-metallic materials and failure of materials and structures.
Offshore Geohazards
Selection of location of offshore facilities depends on soil condition at location and structural behaviors. However, number of soil boring taken from one site is limited by its high cost. Quantification of uncertainty due to limited samples and inherent spatial variability of soil parameters, as well as identification of potential damages to offshore structures due to geohazards are important part of offshore soil exploration plan. The course covers geohazard risks such as marine landslides and ground subsidence as well as reliability analysis.
HSE Management in Offshore Engineering
This course is to develop understanding of HSE principles in the offshore engineering. To develop HSE skillsets and tools required to manage oil & gas operation and lead management positions through effective teamwork, leadership and communication skills. It is also to enable students to gain knowledge and skills in key HSE Risk Management applicable to the offshore exploration and production cycle and to equip them with the relevant competencies to assess the relevant hazards, estimate and evaluate the acceptability of the risk posed by various activities and the controls required to ensure safe planning and execution of activities in the exploration and production at offshore facilities.
Pipeline Engineering
The course will cover the fundamental concepts of pipeline engineering. The scope of the course is further elaborated into the knowledge of pipeline designs, route selection as well as installation methods. Problems associated with pipelines will be introduced coupled with their standard repair methods. Basic understanding on the concepts of flexible pipelines and pipeline riser designs will also be introduced. Dynamic response of multi-degree of freedom system, and the seismic and wind effects on the structure.
Design of Floating Offshore Platforms
This course covers introduction to floating platforms, various steps in the structural design of floating offshore platform components, overall design of floating platforms using software, solutions for industry requirements and preparation of working drawings at various stages of design.
Coastal Engineering and Sustainability
The course presents a review of sustainable engineering related to the coastal environment. To characterize the nearshore waves, the fundamental principles of wave transformation are covered extensively in this course. Students are also exposed to the background knowledge of other hydrodynamic parameters in the coastal region, e.g. wind, tides, currents and nearshore sediment transports, which are responsible to beach erosion and accretion and the coastal morphological change. Some typical shore protection structures and measures in order to adapt to coastal hazards such as storm surge and sea level rise, and their potential impacts to the coastal environment will also be covered in this course. At the end of this course, students should be able to apply knowledge of natural science and engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex coastal problems, and to evaluate the impact of the proposed engineering solutions in societal and environmental context.
Subsea Technology
This course presents an overview of various aspects of subsea production systems, equipment, manifolds, wellheads and tress, template, subsea umbilical system, risers and pipelines, subsea production and control system. Topics to be addressed in this course will also cover subsea field development, subsea control & communication and new technology related to subsea system. The course will also give a description of future trends in oil and gas field developments and an overview of what competences the subsea industry needs to solve their complex engineering challenges including system design and software applications.
Research Project I
This is an individual research project in connection with a special offshore engineering problem and under the guidance of a faculty member. The project undertaken may fall under one of the following areas: mathematical analysis, experimental tests, computer simulation, hardware and/or software development, device fabrication.
Research Project II
This is an individual research project in connection with a special offshore engineering problem and under the guidance of a faculty member. The project undertaken may fall under one of the following areas: mathematical analysis, experimental tests, computer simulation, hardware and/or software development, device fabrication.