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Master of Science in Offshore Engineering

JPT/BPP(R-DL/0716/7/0005)01/30​ (MQA/SWA 13058)



Offshore industry is a relatively recent industry that has rapidly expanded during the last 60 years. Challenges in the industry arise such as has never been encountered before, particularly in offshore engineering. These challenges can only be synthesized and solved by upgrading and enhancing the knowledge related to offshore engineering.
The oil and gas industry plays a significant role in Malaysia’s economy. The nation largely derives these resources from offshore reserves. It is predicted that there will be a shortage of talent in Malaysia in the oil and gas industry. This complexity is due to the large segments of workforce approaching retirement and the lack of skilled graduates from Malaysian universities.
Malaysian universities have limited exposure in offshore engineering, as the focus is on general engineering in major disciplines (e.g. Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering). Exposure is only gained through on the job training, requiring companies to invest a significant amount in time and money. In order to fill in the skill gap and lack of talent, it is necessary to develop graduates who are trained and versed in various offshore engineering areas.
The pedagogical goal of the MSc Offshore Engineering Programme is to educate students to be able of taking a leadership role in superior technical knowledge and application required in the offshore industry.​​​​​

​Programme Objectives

  • Offshore Engineer specialists with insights to articulate complex industry problems and solutions.
  • Industry leaders with integrity towards sustainable development through continuous improvement and innovation for the betterment of society.


Programme Outcomes

  • Demonstrate in-depth and frontier knowledge and understanding in the relevant offshore engineering field/s or practice.
  • Critically and creatively apply knowledge in relevant offshore engineering fields to resolve complex disciplinary and practical problems.
  • Conduct credible problem-solving or investigation to resolve complex issues and questions in the relevant offshore engineering field or practice.
  • Conduct research or investigation with minimal supervision adhering to legal, ethical, professional, and sustainable practice.
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities through collaboration with peers and others.
  • Communicate and interact effectively with peers in the relevant offshore engineering field/s as well as the general audience.
  • Select and use suitable digital and analytical tool techniques to resolve problems.
  • Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.


What is ODL & How it is Conducted in UTP

ODL stands for Open and Distance Learning, a way of studying remotely that offers flexibility for learning from anywhere, anytime, and anyhow with self-directed learning strategies.

In UTP, ODL is conducted as below:

  • 100% online with self-instructional materials (SIM)
  • Live class sessions for courses taught
  • Classes after working hours/over the weekend
  • Online open-book final exam


Programme Highlights

  • The only MSc in Offshore Engineering in Malaysia
  • Students will learn to use industry commercial software (e.g., DNV SESAM)
  • Adjunct lectures from PETRONAS, DNV, etc.


Programme Details

Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering

Intakes: January, May, and September

Mode of Deliverance: Modular, Min 1 year, Max 3 years

Entry Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field from a recognised university with a CGPA of 2.50 - 2.74 or its equivalent OR;
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field from a recognised university with a CGPA of 2.00 - 2.49 or its equivalent will require 5 years of working experience and internal rigorous assessment


Apel.A field:

  • ​Offshore Engineering

English Requirements:

  • A minimum TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent
  • A minimum IELTS score of 5.0 or equivalent
  • Native English speakers or holding a degree with English as the medium of instruction may be exempted from this requirement

Pre-requisite courses:

Bachelor’s Degree from non-engineering relevant will have to take pre-requisite courses as below:

  • Mechanics of Solid
  • Structural Analysis

It will be conducted 100% online

Estimated Total Cost Fee:

  • Full Time ODL: RM 23,700 (Malaysian), RM 30,800 (International)


Programme Curriculum Structure and Programme Module Synopsis

Candidates are required to complete total of 40 credit hours. The programme's curriculum structure is as follows:

Category Module Credit Hour

Wave Hydrodynamics 3
Structural Dynamics 3
Offshore Foundations 3
Design of Fixed Offshore Structures 3
Risk, Reliability & Integrity of Offshore Structures 3
Offshore Project Management 3
​​​​Technical Electives (Choose 2) Offshore Engineering Materials 3
Offshore Geohazards 3
HSE Management in Offshore Engineering 3
Pipeline Engineering 3
Design of Floating Offshore Platforms 3
Coastal Engineering & Sustainability 3
​Subsea Technology 
University Requirement
Data Analytics 3
Project Management 2
National Requirement Research Methodology 2
​Project Research Project I 3
Research Project II 7


As per requirement by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), candidates coming from non-discipline into MSc in Offshore Engineering programme (such as sciences) have to take TWO pre-requisite courses before enrolling for the MSc programme. The two pre-requisite courses are (1) Mechanics of Solid and (2) Structural Analysis

​Module Synopsis

Core Courses

Wave Hydrodynamics

Wave loading consists of the largest contribution to the loading of offshore structures. Therefore, a good understanding of wave hydrodynamics is essential for the design of any offshore structure. This course covers wave theories, wave mechanics, wave statistics, forces on marine structures, numerical and physical modelling.


Structural Dynamics

Offshore structures are vulnerable to dynamic loads such as wind, wave, and current. It is then essential for the engineer to understand the dynamics of structures in order to analyze and design.  The contents include an equation of motion for a single degree of freedom system, free and forced vibration for the undamped and damped system. Dynamic response of multi-degree of freedom system, and the seismic and wind effects on the structure. 


Offshore Foundation

Foundation is an integral part of offshore structures; therefore, selection and design of suitable foundations are the basic skill that one should possessed by an offshore engineer. The course covers designing various types of foundation systems for offshore structures such as pile and shallow foundations and anchoring system. Fundamental aspects of marine geology and geotechnics are incorporated in the course together with the planning of offshore site investigation.


Design of Fixed Offshore Structures

This course covers introduction to the various fixed offshore platforms such as Jacket, GBS & Jack-up. It emphasises on the structural design of fixed offshore platform components by referring to the national/international standards such as PTS, API, etc. Students are also expose to relevant software for the analysis and design of fixed platforms.


Risk, Reliability and Integrity of Offshore Structures   

This course will discuss deterministic and probabilistic design and assessment procedures, particularly methods of probabilistic reliability analysis. Assessment on the system strength and fatigue of a platform including software applications will also be discussed.            This course covers fundamental issues related to risk analysis, with emphasis on basic concepts and principles. Risk analysis, risk characterization, risk perception, risk communication, risk management. The course will also cover the basics of reliability-based design and principles, safety and reliability issues of offshore facilities during analysis & design, inspection and planning stages.

Offshore Project Management

Project Management in offshore applications is an important area in which a successful offshore project is dependent on. This course provides integration of project management and engineering knowledge in oil and gas. The course deals with all aspects of project management in offshore environments. It combines theory and practice to develop and improve the project management skills where the work scope includes oil and gas projects.


Technical Electives (Choose two)

Offshore Engineering Materials

This course covers introduction to materials in offshore applications, metallic materials, non-metallic materials and failure of materials and structures.


Offshore Geohazards

Selection of location of offshore facilities depends on soil condition at location and structural behaviors. However, number of soil boring taken from one site is limited by its high cost.  Quantification of uncertainty due to limited samples and inherent spatial variability of soil parameters, as well as identification of potential damages to offshore structures due to geohazards are important part of offshore soil exploration plan. The course covers geohazard risks such as marine landslides and ground subsidence as well as reliability analysis.


HSE Management in Offshore Engineering

This course is to develop understanding of HSE principles in the offshore engineering. To develop HSE skillsets and tools required to manage oil & gas operation and lead management positions through effective teamwork, leadership and communication skills. It is also to enable students to gain knowledge and skills in key HSE Risk Management applicable to the offshore exploration and production cycle and to equip them with the relevant competencies to assess the relevant hazards, estimate and evaluate the acceptability of the risk posed by various activities and the controls required to ensure safe planning and execution of activities in the exploration and production at offshore facilities.

Pipeline Engineering

The course will cover the fundamental concepts of pipeline engineering. The scope of the course is further elaborated into the knowledge of pipeline designs, route selection as well as installation methods. Problems associated with pipelines will be introduced coupled with their standard repair methods.  Basic understanding on the concepts of flexible pipelines and pipeline riser designs will also be introduced. Dynamic response of multi-degree of freedom system, and the seismic and wind effects on the structure. 


Design of Floating Offshore Platforms

This course covers introduction to floating platforms, various steps in the structural design of floating offshore platform components, overall design of floating platforms using software, solutions for industry requirements and preparation of working drawings at various stages of design.


Coastal Engineering and Sustainability

The course presents a review of sustainable engineering related to the coastal environment. To characterize the nearshore waves, the fundamental principles of wave transformation are covered extensively in this course. Students are also exposed to the background knowledge of other hydrodynamic parameters in the coastal region, e.g. wind, tides, currents and nearshore sediment transports, which are responsible to beach erosion and accretion and the coastal morphological change. Some typical shore protection structures and measures in order to adapt to coastal hazards such as storm surge and sea level rise, and their potential impacts to the coastal environment will also be covered in this course. At the end of this course, students should be able to apply knowledge of natural science and engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex coastal problems, and to evaluate the impact of the proposed engineering solutions in societal and environmental context.


Subsea Technology

This course presents an overview of various aspects of subsea production systems, equipment, manifolds, wellheads and tress, template, subsea umbilical system, risers and pipelines, subsea production and control system. Topics to be addressed in this course will also cover subsea field development, subsea control & communication and new technology related to subsea system. The course will also give a description of future trends in oil and gas field developments and an overview of what competences the subsea industry needs to solve their complex engineering challenges including system design and software applications.​ 



Research Project I

This is an individual research project in connection with a special offshore engineering problem and under the guidance of a faculty member. The project undertaken may fall under one of the following areas: mathematical analysis, experimental tests, computer simulation, hardware and/or software development, device fabrication.


Research Project II

This is an individual research project in connection with a special offshore engineering problem and under the guidance of a faculty member. The project undertaken may fall under one of the following areas: mathematical analysis, experimental tests, computer simulation, hardware and/or software development, device fabrication.

Contact Information

Programme Manager:
Ts. Dr. Ng Cheng Yee
Direct Line: +6053687313

Academic Executive: 

Mr Abdul Hafiz Mohd Arif
Direct Line: +6053687362

General Inquiries: 

Ms Nurul Asmira Sulaiman
Direct Line: +6053688192​​​​

Maste​r of Science in Offshore Engineering  

(R-DL/0716/7/0005) (01/30)(MQA/SWA 13058)​


Offshore industry is a relatively recent industry that has rapidly expanded during the last 70 years.  Challenges in the industry arise such as has never been encountered before. These challenges can only be synthesised and solved by upgrading and enhancing the knowledge related to offshore engineering.


The oil and gas industry plays a significant role in Malaysia's economy. The nation largely derives these resources from offshore reserves. It is predicted that there will be a shortage of talent in Malaysia in the oil and gas industry. This complexity is due to the large segments of workforce approaching retirement and the lack of skilled graduates from Malaysian universities. In order to fill in the skill gap and lack of talent, it is necessary to develop graduates who are trained and versed in various offshore engineering areas.


The pedagogical goal of the MSc Offshore Engineering Programme is to educate fresh graduates/junior engineers, who are serving oil & gas companies, to be able to take a leadership role and superior technical knowledge required in the offshore industry. This is achieved through 7 core technical modules, 2 technical electives, 3 university modules and a research project based on real industry problem. Each module is being taught by established academician and industry experts within the offshore engineering domain.


Open Distance Learning (ODL) programme

Courses will be conducted through interactive online platform coupled with limited face-to-face meet up via Open and Distance Learning (ODL).


Why You Should Join Our MSc in Offshore Engineering?

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities, i.e. wave tank, commercial software license, library with access to broad collections of online reading resources, etc.

  • Industry based Research project which will be evaluated by an industry expert

  • Adjunct lectures conducted by local and international practitioners

  • Opportunities to conduct internship in oil and gas companies

Programme Educational Objective

  • Offshore Engineer​​ specialists with insights to articulate complex industry problems and solutions
  • Industry leaders with integrity towards sustainable development through continuous improvement and innovation for the betterment of society


Programme Outcomes 

  • ​Demonstrate continuing and advanced knowledge in Offshore Engineering and have the capabilities to further develop or use these in new situations or multi-disciplinary context
  • Analyse and evaluate critically problems in Offshore Engineering particularly in situations with limited information and to provide solutions through application of appropriate tools and techniques
  • Appraise available information and research evidence in Offshore Engineering and apply it in the engineering context
  • Plan and perform research undertakings in Offshore Engineering professionally, ethically and responsibly
  • Report technical findings in both written and oral forms
  • Recognise the needs for continuing professional development in Offshore Engineering

   Course Duration and Offering

This course is available in ODL.

Mode Minimum Duration Maximum Duration
ODL ​12 months 36 months​


   Entry Requirements

    a) Academic Requirements

    The entry requirement for admission to MSc in Offshore Engineering is shown as below:

  1. Candidates must hold a BSc Degree in Engineering/ Engineering Technology discipline with minimum CGPA 2.50/4.00 or equivalent in the relevant field from a recognized university.
  2. Candidates with BSc Degree in Engineering/Engineering Technology discipline with minimum CGPA 2.00 but below 2.50,​ can be admitted and must have 5 years working experience & pass UTP internal rigorous assessment.
  3. Candidates with BSc Degree qualification from different discipline, must undergo pre-requisite courses​ in Engineering/ Engineering Technology.

     b) English Requirement

    Pass English requirement with a minimum score of:
  • Engineering Programmes -  IELTS - 5.0, TOEFL - 500 
  • Science/PhD. in Management/PhD. in Social Science & Humanities Programmes – IELTS –            6.0,  TOEFL - 550
  • Information Technology / Information Systems Programmes - IELTS – 6.0, TOEFL - 550

   However, this requirement is waived if candidate;
  • ​have obtained Bachelor / Master or other relevant degree from Malaysian recognized institution whereby all courses are fully conducted in English or;
  • a native of an English speaking countries or;
  • graduated from English speaking countries institutions​​​

    Pre-requisite modules for MSc Offshore Engineering :

    VEB1033 Mechanics of Solid & VEB 2073 Structural Analysis 

    Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer refers to the granting exemption to course(s) in an academic programme on the basis that the students have shown evidence that they have fulfilled the learning outcomes of the courses(s), subject to meeting the general requirement of credit transfer. Students may apply for credit transfer if they have taken similar or equivalent course from recognized academic programme in other institution , or students who changed program within UTP, or they have acquired the learning outcome from prior learning experience.

There are two types of credit transfer as follows :

  1. Credit transfer with grades
  2. Credit transfer without grades

Students is not charge for the first credit transfer with grade, or credit transfer without grade request but, a processing fees of RM100 will be charged for the second application onwards. Students who wants to request for credit transfer with grade, or credit transfer without grade must not register for the equivalent course in UTP as for once registered, exemption status will not be granted.

    Research Methodology Course Exemption

The appeal for course exemption must be in written form and submitted certified copy of students' academic transcript or any related documents(s) to Registar,Registar Office Level 1, Block F, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS​​

   Fee Structure

Local Students​

International Students


Programme Curriculum Structure

Courses Credit Hours
Core Modules
Wave Hydrodynamics 3
Structural Dynamics 3
Design of Fixed Offshore Structures 3
Offshore Foundations 3
Risk, Reliability & Integrity of Offshore Structures 3
Offshore Project Management 3
Technical Elective​
Technical Elective 1 ​3
Technical Elective 2 ​3
Research Project
Research Project I 3
Research Project II 7​
National Requirement
Research Methodology 2
University Requirement
Project Management 2
Data Analytic 3
Total 41


Courses Course Code​ Credit Hours
Technical Elective (select 2 modules)
Offshore Engineering Materials OBV5133 3
Offshore Geohazards ​OBV5313 3
HSE Management in Offshore Engineering​​

Pipeline Engineering​​
​OBV5353 3
Design of Floating Offshore Platforms
​OBV5363 3
Coastal Engineering & Sustainability​​
​OBV5373​ 3

Programme Module Synopsis

Course Code


​Credit Hour


Wave Hydrodynamics

​​3 credits

​This course covers fluid mechanics, wave mechanics, wave theories and wave forces.  Also, this course covers use of various transducers for static and dynamic measurements, model tests in wave tank and wave flume & analysis of responses.

Course Code


​Credit Hour


Structural Dynamics

​​3 credits

This course will discuss structural dynamics of offshore structure, i.e. Dynamic Loads, Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) Systems, Multi Degree of Freedom (MDOF) Systems and Earthquake Response of Linear Systems and its related concept. Assessment on uncertainty of concept parameters and its effect on design output also will be discussed.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Design of Fixed Offshore Structures

​​3 credits

This course covers introduction to Jacket platforms, GBS & Jack-up platforms, various steps in the structural design of offshore platform components, overall design of fixed platforms using software, solutions for industry requirements and preparation of working drawings at various stages of design.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Offshore Foundations

​​3 credits

This course will discuss design of offshore foundation, i.e. pile foundation, suction pile, spudcan and shallow foundation and its related design parameters. Assessment on uncertainty of design parameters and its effect on design output also will be discussed.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Risk, Reliability and Integrity of Offshore Structures

​​3 credits

This course will discuss deterministic and probabilistic design and assessment procedures, particularly methods of probabilistic reliability analysis. Assessment on the system strength and fatigue of a platform will also be discussed.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Offshore Project Management

​​3 credits

Project management tailored for specific niches like that of oil and gas is a highly sort after skillset among graduates today. Interested candidates, who enroll in this course, will be on a platform for them to get exposed to and gain holistic insights, views and knowledge of the oil and gas industry as a whole via specially designed academic delivery modules and systematic evaluations in the form of quizzes, assignments, case studies and the like. As a first course in Oil and Gas project management, it will serve as a bridge between engineering technicalities and the more subjective knowledge of managing projects in the oil and gas industry. This is expected to give students the appropriate skillset that can be built upon joining the industry which will facilitate their becoming of competent specialist Oil and Gas Project leaders.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Offshore Engineering Materials

​​3 credits

This course covers introduction to materials in offshore applications, metallic materials, non-metallic materials and failure of materials and structures.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Offshore Geohazards

​​3 credits

This course will discuss salient aspects of site investigations, soil testing and geohazards related to offshore structures. The course emphasizes on the impact of the behaviors of structure to be designed on soil testing and soil modeling. Furthermore, soil exploration campaign is also treated as risk mitigation process as part of geotechnical risk management process.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


HSE Management in Offshore Engineering

​​3 credits

The objective of this Course is to enable students to gain knowledge and skills in key HSE Risk Management applicable to the offshore exploration and production cycle and to equip them with the relevant competencies to assess the relevant hazards, estimate and evaluate the acceptability of the risk posed by various activities and the controls required to ensure safe planning and execution of activities in the exploration and production at offshore facilities.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Pipeline Engineering

​​3 credits

This course covers pipeline design, route selection, installation and construction methods, its risks, accidents and repair.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Design of Floating Offshore Structures

​​3 credits

This course covers introduction to floating platforms, various steps in the structural design of floating offshore platform components, overall design of floating platforms using software, solutions for industry requirements and preparation of working drawings at various stages of design.


Course Code


​Credit Hour


Coastal Engineering & Sustainability

​​3 credits

This course covers the fundamental principles and concepts of ocean and coastal engineering. It provides better understanding to the influencing environmental parameters that affect the respective coastal processes. This knowledge will be used to formulate sediment transport and budget in the coastal area which will lead to the development of appropriate coastal protection & structures. The course will also expose the students to the basic components of coastal hydraulic study and to relate the importance of such environmental concerns in the design and construction of coastal structures.


Career Opportunities

Graduates with an MSc in Offshore Engineering degree​ will enhance their employment and career prospects in the global oil and gas industry. The degree is also a good starting point for a career in research and academia.


Click here to download the brochure



Programme Manager

Ts. Dr. Ng Cheng Yee


Last updated on 24 May 2024