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Integrated Engineering  

UTP’s Bachelor of Integrated Engineering with Honours is a distinctive transdisciplinary engineering programme in Malaysia planned to be offered in 2025. With the growing recognition by the industry coupled with the rise of renewable energy demand, there is a need in the marketplace to offer a new kind of engineering that complements the existing single engineering disciplines.

Industries believe that an interdisciplinary programme is ideal and aligns with their goal of hiring more diverse people. Hiring all-rounded engineers supports the intention of career mobility and rotation for wider functions within a company.

Diverse Engineers  
Curriculum Design  

The curriculum design follows the required courses for these areas as outlined in the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)’s guideline. The programme emphasises technical skills integrated with non-technical skills contextualised to complex engineering problems using a project-based-learning (PBL) approach.

The PBL approach is consistently integrated into students’ educational experiences, with continuous iteration and scaffolding to guide them towards practical engineering solutions.