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Postgraduate Programmes
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Programme​​​ Overview

The University provides excellent research facilities and services for postgraduate students. This includes an experienced pool of academic not only from UTP, but also visiting lecturers from UTP partners and industry experts. In addition, students have access to industry data and practices for project work; they are also able to utilise latest sofware tools and simulation packages currently used by industry.

Students will also benefit from studying in a dynamic research environment where the university's 3 Research Institutes across niche disciplines for the benefit of the industry and the nation as a whole. These 3 research programmes are :​

  1. Institute of Sustainable Energy & Resources (ISER)​
  2. Institute of Emerging Digital Technologies (EDiT)​
  3. Institute o​f Smart & ​Sustainable Living (ISSL)​

​​Joint postgraduate programmes are offered, providing opportunities for research to be conducted at different universities and industry locations worldwide. ​

Our Postgraduate programmes have been acknowledged internationally and the university has admitted postgraduate students from various parts of the world, who are sponsored by governments, organisations and industries.​

Programme Details & Curriculum Structure

Master by Coursework

Master by Co​ursework (ODL)



Master by Coursework    
Maximum (month)
 Full Tim​e
 One (1) year
 Three (3) years

Master by Research
Maximum (month)
 Full Time
 Two (2) years
​ Four (4) years
Part T​​​​ime
​ Three (3) years
​ Six (6) years

Maximum (month)
 Full Time​​​
 Three (3) years​
​ Eight (8) years
Part Time
​ Four (4) years
​ Ten (10) years

Local Students

Entry Requirement

Tuition Fees

How to Apply

Authorised Agents

International Students

Entry Requirement

Tuition Fees

How to Apply 

Authorised Agents

English Preparatory Module for IELTS


Click below to download Master of Coursework brochures by programme:


Local Applicants


Graduate Assistantship (GA) Scheme​

  • For full-time research student only
  • Covers tuition fee (Research Progression Fee ONLY) and research methodology 
  • Registration, accommodation and transportation costs are not covered and is to be borne by students 
  • Can​didates will be assigned 5 hours of academic activities per week in the form of tutorials or laboratory demonstration or any other related academic activities 
  • Candidates will be required to perform 22 research days per month 
  • Click here for more details.​


Last updated: 28 Jan​​ 2025​​​​